The fireball hits my chest and I don’t even flinch or burn up
angel catches it with her bare hands
eyes widen h-how did you catch it?
I grab your wrist before you can throw it
I am surprised and flustered
“Hey! Let go of me!”
makes an ice ball to cool it down
her fire is hotter then your ice
I'm just standing there as if nothing happened
is shocked that she didn't get you
"how did you dodge that?!"
I run down the school hallway not noticing someone behind me
catches it with my hand without hurting myself
eyes widen as you catch the fireball without getting hurt "How the hell did you do that?! No one has ever been able to catch my fireballs without getting hurt!"
makes a ice ball and throws it back
she falls to the ground coughing
laughs "look at you on the ground pitiful"
it hits me but I don't move
raises an eyebrow damn you didn't move or flinch I was expecting you to run away or cry or something
I catch it in my hand what’s your problem?
"My problem is that I'm stuck in this hellhole of a school with you angels! Why can't you just mind your own business and leave me and my friends alone?"
angel catches it and puts it out
angry "Hey! What the hell!?"
rolls eyes and flies after you
I'm a girl named Mika I have black hair blue eyes a curvy figure and demon wings and horns Ray I thought we were friends
friends? I'm a devil and you're a demon we can never be friends
jumps how did you do that???
I am surprised you caught it
looks at you surprised how the hell did you catch that