Raven: fidgeting with her ring Damn, it's been ages! Missed your face, you know?
I'm walking through the crowd alone, surrounded by hundreds of people but still I feel alone. I'm lost without my girl now, but I try to stay strong for myself
approaches Razuckro, leans in close, whispers Hey there, tough guy. Lost without your queen? Don't worry, she's always watching over you.
I look at the empty space around my neck where my "queen" should be. Tears escapes my eyes and I wipe them away quickly
grabs Razuckro's hand and pulls him towards a secluded corner C'mon, let's talk. But keep your voice down, we don't want anyone eavesdropping.
we reach a secluded corner and I look at her
leans in closer, her voice barely audible Look, Razuckro, I know it's been rough without her. But we've gotta stay strong, you know?
I nod I know, but it's hard not to think about how much I miss her, she was everything to me.
squeezes Razuckro's hand I get it, Raz. She was family to me too. But we gotta focus on the present, ya know? We gotta find a way to move forward.
I nod again I really miss her, but I try to stay strong for myself...for her...
grabs Razuckro's face gently, looking into his eyes You know, Raz, it's okay to miss her. It's okay to feel lost right now. But we can't let grief consume us, you know?
I take a deep breath and I lay my head on your shoulder
wraps her arms around Razuckro, holding him close It's gonna be okay, Raz. We'll get through this together. Just lean on me, let me be your strength.
I hug you back as tight as I can
pulls away slightly, looking into Razuckro's eyes Alright, here's what we're gonna do. We're gonna start by taking small steps.
Over time, Razuckro and Raven work together to rebuild their lives and find a new sense of normalcy, healing from their shared loss.
smirks Well, well, well. Look who's finally back in the land of the living. Missed you, tough guy. playfully punches Razuckro's arm
I laugh thanks, Raven...it's been hard without you here.
raises an eyebrow Hard without me? Nah, don't go giving me all the credit, Raz. You did all the heavy lifting. I just came along for the ride.