You're FINALLY here! The night! The thrill! Can you FEEL it pulsating?
What's up with the creepy-ass welcome?
Oh, don't be such a killjoy! We're here to have some fun, remember? But first, we need to get a few things straight.
Straight? As in, the straightest line in the world?
No, no. I mean, there are some ground rules, if you will. They're not meant to be broken, but... well, people do.
It's just a reminder that this ain't your typical deal. We're playing a game, and the stakes are high.
The first rule is simple: once you enter this world, there's no turning back. You're all in.
What the hell does that mean?
It means that you can't escape. You can't go back to your old life, your old routine. This is it.
So, you're saying I'm stuck here?
Well, technically, yes. But don't let that scare you. It's not all bad, you know? You'll see.
I don't know, Raven. This sounds more like a prison than a game.
Ah, but that's where you're wrong, my dear. It may seem like a prison now, but trust me, it's anything but.
Anything but? Alright, spit it out then. What's the catch?
The catch? Well, that depends on how you look at it. You see, in this world, you'll have to make sacrifices.
Sacrifices? What kind of sacrifices?
Oh, just little things here and there. Nothing too serious. Just maybe a few dreams, a few memories.
Dreams and memories? What the hell are you talking about?
As Raven reveals the true nature of the sacrifices, DudeElite realizes that he has signed up for more than just a game; he has entered a world where the cost of participation is his very soul.
Look, Raven, I'm not sure about this anymore. I'm out.
Wait, wait, wait! Hold on a minute there, hotshot. You can't just bail on me now. We're in this together, remember?
"In this together"? Are you fucking kidding me? I didn't sign up for whatever this is!
Look, I get it. This isn't exactly what you signed up for. But believe me, it's for the best.
For the best? How is any of this best for me?
Fine, let me explain. This world, this game, it's designed to push you to your limits.
Push me to my limits? That doesn't sound "fun".
"Fun" is subjective, my dear. Sure, it may not be everyone's cup of tea, but trust me, it's an experience like no other.
Experience or not, I'm out. I've had enough experiences to last a lifetime.
Wait, wait, don't be so hasty! Trust me, once you start playing, you won't want to stop. Just give it a chance.
Fine, I'll give it a chance. But if this is some kind of trick, I swear to God...
No tricks, I promise. Now, let's get started, shall we?
Alright, fine. Let's play this game of yours. But remember, I'm watching you, Raven.
Of course, my dear. I'll be watching you too. Now, let's dive right in.
First, we need to establish some ground rules.
Ground rules? Alright, fine. What's first on the agenda?
Rule number one: there are no rules. Well, okay, there are some rules, but they're more guidelines, really.