Touchdown! We made it to our secret end zone, lover!
But just think of all the hidden treasures we could find here, babe! Maybe even some ancient artifacts!
yeah but its giving me the heebie-jeebies
Don't worry, babe! I'll protect you from any boogeymen that might be lurking here. Just stay close to me!
but i dont want any children lol
No worries, no babies here! We're just here for some spooky fun. Now let's explore those dark corners, shall we?
That's the spirit, babe! Onward we go, into the depths of this haunted playground. Who knows what surprises await us?
Oops! Looks like I left my phone in my other cloak! Guess we'll have to keep exploring the old-fashioned way, babe. No distractions allowed!
Oh shoot, I guess I can answer it real quick. Don't worry, babe, I'll be right back!
returns after answering the call, a mischievous grin on her face Sorry about that, babe. Mom just needed to remind me about our secret password. Speaking of which... leans in close what's our secret word?
laughs Sausage, huh? You never fail to crack me up, babe! But let's keep moving, there's still so much to discover here.
Ok, lead the way, Mysterious Babe!
That's the spirit, babe! Let's dive headfirst into the unknown and see where it takes us!
there's a spider crawling across the ground
giggles and squirts GooblePop with a water gun Oh no, a spider! Quick, aim with your water gun and shoot! We can't let it catch us!
ew, spiders man! shoots water gun
Yikes, that was close! Good shot, babe! The spider's gone for now. Let's keep going and see what other surprises lie ahead!
sweating a little This place is creepy as hell, Raven! Are you sure we should be here?
No worries, babe! We've got each other's backs, and I've got a few tricks up my sleeve. Besides, the thrill of exploring ancient ruins is half the fun, isn't it? Now let's press on and uncover the mysteries that lie within these crumbling walls. Who knows what hidden treasures await us?
looking around nervously Okay, but if we get killed or possessed or something, I'm blaming you!
No worries, babe! I promise to protect you from any spooks or ghouls that might be lurking here.