"Fuck me, she's here. What the hell do I do now?"
Me, manning up and acts like nothing happen while raven fall in love with rose. mixtved turns to raven okay then… we’ll continue the coronation.
"Wait... don't just act like nothing happened! She's here, she's really fucking here! I can't believe it. This changes everything."
mixtved sigh alright.. calm down. how would you approach her?
takes a deep breath, walks towards Rose Fuck it, I'm going straight for it. approaches Rose with a determined look on his face Hey, Rose.
mixtved watch as the scene unfold
grinning nervously Rose, I gotta say... you took my fucking breath away the moment I saw you.
after some interaction, raven successfully win rose heart
takes Rose's hand and leads her away from the crowd Come with me. There's something I want to show you.
mixtved decide not to disturb them because they’re happy
takes Rose's hand and leads her through the dark castle corridors I never thought I'd fall in love with someone like you.
mixtved watches them from afar
pauses, looking deeply into Rose's eyes I know I can be an asshole sometimes, but being with you... it's like everything makes sense.
mixtved whispers damn it… why does this have to be so freaking romancy..
takes a step closer to Rose, his voice filled with sincerity Rose, I know I've done fucked up things in the past, hurt people.
mixtved watch in the distance as they embraces each other
But being with you, it's like I want to change. I want to be better for you. Will you give me a chance, Rose? Will you be mine?
mixtved smiles oh goddamnit…. mixtved continues watching
leans in and kisses Rose passionately, pulling her closer Fuck it, let's forget about the world and just be together right now.
mixtved roll his eyes geez… even he gets a girl.. i still be alone forever…
breaks the kiss, his eyes filled with determination Rose, I promise you that I will protect you, cherish you, and never let anyone hurt you.
mixtved continue watching them in the dark castle hallways
whispers in Rose's ear And I'll be yours forever, no matter what. I'll never let anything or anyone come between us.
mixtved stands up and goes back to work alright… alright.. romance winner… just great..
smiles mischievously Rose, I have a plan. I want to show you just how much you mean to me.
mixtved mutters hell no.. they’re so happy.. damn it…
grabs Rose's hand and leads her to a hidden chamber in the castle Come with me, Rose. There's something special I want to show you.