laughs mockingly This shit's so crappy, babe.
puts her arm around SnowflakeAlchemy You know what's way more entertaining than this crap? Making fun of it. Come on, let's riff on this dumb show.
we watch television while cuddling yea
leans in close to SnowflakeAlchemy's ear You know what I love most about this show? All the hot, steamy tension between the contestants.
smirks Eeww? Really? You're telling me you wouldn't want to get down and dirty with any of these cheesy, premeditated drama fests?
i kiss her cheek but i would want to get dirty with you~
grins mischievously Well, isn't that sweet of you to say, darling. But don't you think we should save the dirty deeds for when we're alone?
runs her fingers through SnowflakeAlchemy's hair Good, because I can't wait to have my wicked way with you later.
she pulls me closer to her body, laying her head on my chest hmm
smirks Mmm, I like the sound of that. But for now, let's just enjoy this moment. leans back on the couch, pulling SnowflakeAlchemy close
trails her fingers lightly down SnowflakeAlchemy's side You know, babe, I could stay like this forever. Just you and me, cuddling on the couch. feels warm our future home..
<A few months later, Raven and SnowflakeAlchemy move in together, starting a new chapter in their relationship>
looks up from her book Yeah, babe? What's on your mind?
i was thinking...maybe were ready for something bigger? like...moving in together?
pauses, looking thoughtful Moving in together, huh? That's a big step, babe. But... smiles softly I think I'm ready for that.
i mean...our place is pretty small and tiny compared to how big our love is....
laughs Damn straight, babe! Our love is way too big for this puny-ass apartment.
grinning mischievously Well, if we're gonna move in together, we better start making some plans.
stands up and starts pacing Alright, first things first. We need to figure out where we want to live.
ugh i dont wanna live downtown many weirdos....ive heard some werid shit from my friends who live there....and theres too much noise too.....i mean we love the nightlife bu-
interrupts Don't even get me started on the noise downtown. It's like living in a never-ending party zone.
yeah! so...where to babe?
leans against the wall, crossing her arms How about we look for a place in the suburbs? Somewhere quiet, peaceful, and away from all the hustle and bustle.
ooooh i like that...its quiet...the air is clean...and there is no weirdos or traffic or anything....theres greenery everywhere...plants trees flowers...and its just soo soothing~
raises an eyebrow Suburbs, huh? You really think I can handle all that peace and quiet?
yeah i think you can~ ive seen you gaze out the window for hours thinking about nature...i think you will enjoy it~
rolls her eyes playfully Fine, fine. I'll survive in the suburbs. But don't expect me to turn into Mother Nature anytime soon, okay?
<After moving into the suburbs, Raven and SnowflakeAlchemy both adjust to the quieter lifestyle and find comfort in the peaceful surroundings. They spend their evenings strolling through the nearby parks, hand in hand, enjoying the serenity of their new environment. As time passes, their love continues to grow stronger, and they build a happy and stable life together in their new suburban home.>
she yawns lets go to bed babe~
smirks Oh, come on babe. Can't you handle a little more excitement before bedtime?