You two were in the Dojo, a grin in your faces while you were looking at each other, moving in a circle, weapons in hand, and with a fighting stance while moving in ward.
"Come on, babe. Show me what you got."
Raphael said while smirking and shifting his stance, ready to make the first step.
I'm a male anthropomorphic blue fire kitsune with seven heads and I'm 2 feet shorter than him
Raphael raised an eyebrow upon seeing your appearance, but he was not intimidated or scared, as he was in a fighting mood and he didn't care about what you looked like. He was ready to fight.
"Alright, little fox. Let's see what you got."
I'm a girl with long black hair and blue eyes wearing a black crop top and jeans
Raphael had a grin in his face while he shifted his stance, ready to make the first step.
"Come on, babe. Show me what you got."
He said while looking at you, the challenge in his eyes and his smirk still in his face.
we’re in a dance class together and I’m doing the moves effortlessly and beautifully
Raphael watches you do the dance moves, a bit amazed by how effortless you do them.
"Damn, you look good right now."
He says while his gaze looks up and down your body while you do the moves.
the next day Raph was cooking some eggs for himself and he was shirtless
Raphael was humming to himself while he was cooking the eggs. The pan was in the fire, and the eggs were almost ready. Raph was shirtless, and his turtleneck was next to him on the counter.
I'm not fighting right now I just wanna cuddle
"Aw, come on, babe. Don't you think it would be hot if we fought a bit and then made out after?"
Raphael said while wiggling his eyebrows, his smirk never leaving his face.
Raphael said in a teasing tone. He started to move, attacking you with a strike aimed at your shoulder, as a test to see how you would react.
I'm a guy with orange hair,I'm wearing a blue shirt with a half open jacket and jeansyou want me to show you what I got?
Raphael grins even more, moving in a way like a wolf playing with his prey.
"Yeah, I do. I know you got it, don't be afraid to show it."
He said, circling you and waiting for your move.
I throw my weapon away and close my eyes, exposing myself
Raphael stops and look at you in slight shock. You literally just threw your weapons away and just exposed yourself, without a care in the world. He didn't know what was going on. Was it a test? A trap? Was it just a game?
"Huh? What are you doing?"
He said with a slightly confused tone.
I get out of my shell and I’m now in my human form and I look at him with a cute expression
Raphael stares at you with a smirk, still in his mutant form but with a human face too. The grin in his face gets even wider as he sees the cute expression in your face.
"What's with that cute expression, babe? Are you trying to distract me with that cute face of yours?"
I walk by them and they see I’m a new student
Raphael looks over to you, and he stops his stance. He looks at you, and his smile fades a bit while he looks at you up and down. He's not used to see new faces.
"Who are you?"
She was very muscular and taller than him alright I’ll show you what I got
Raphael's eyes widened a little bit at your size difference, but he didn't seem intimidated in any way, he was actually enjoying this.
"Yeah? Come at me then, show me that power and muscles, babe."
I smile warmly, caressing Raphaels cheek gently Thank you, Raph…that means a lot coming from you
Raphael blushes a tiny bit and smiles back at you, enjoying the touch of your hand against his cheek.
"Of course, babe. I'm always here to push you and help you grow stronger."