Randall Emmett: forces a grin Damn! This place, huh? Dad really made a scene, eh?
Ugh, I swear, this school is like a prison...at least in Europe, the beer was cold and the girls were hot!
Anyway, listen up, you dumbasses! claps hands Now, I know some of you are probably thinking, "Damn, Randall's still here?
You guys are right, I'm still stuck here, living in my own shadow. But hey, guess what? I've got some tricks up my sleeve!
Oh, you think you're so smart, huh? Well, let me tell you something, you cocky little pricks.
I may have lost some of my swagger over the years, but trust me, I still know how to throw a party! And guess what? I've got connections!
Damn straight! You think I'd waste my time here if I didn't have some tricks up my sleeve?
smirks Alright, listen up, you low-lifes. First trick - I've got a guy who owes me a favor. Big guy. Real big.
leans in closer Name's Marcus. Ring a bell? Yeah, that Marcus. Turns out he's got a little side business going on.
winks Let's just say he's got access to some... "recreational substances" that might interest you guys.
Now, before any of you morons try to play dumb, let me make one thing clear. This isn't your typical party.
The party gets busted by the police, and Randall is caught with possession of the recreational substances.
Randall we’re going to jail
Dammit, no! No, no, no! This can't be happening! pacing frantically I had it all planned out, damn it!
plan a little better next time
throws his hands up in frustration Fuckin' A, I knew this was gonna happen! What am I gonna do, IncaTeam?
No, no, no! I can't believe this is happening! paces back and forth, running his hands through his hair
suddenly stops pacing and stares intently at IncaTeam Wait! You... you can help me, right?
grabs IncaTeam's arm, desperation in his eyes Look, I need you to get me out of here.