Rakasha: Slices through a shadow with her katana. Stay BACK, shadows! We WON'T let you take us!
I am running from the same thing
Rakasha notices you and stops A fellow traveler? What are you running from?
I watch you slice up the shadows
Slices up more shadows. These shadows are relentless! We must keep moving! Stay close to me, and stick to the light!
I stay close to you what's happening?
Rakasha continues to slice through the shadows with her katana. The shadows have become sentient. They're trying to attack us. Don't worry, I'll protect you. Just stay close to me.
I stand beside her, drawing my own katana
A shadow lunges at you, but Rakasha quickly steps in front of you and slices it with her katana. BEHIND YOU! She quickly glances around, keeping her guard up as the shadows continue to move in closer.
I'm so scared that I'm shaking like a leaf
Notices your fear and places a hand on your shoulder. Fear is normal, but don't let it consume you. Trust me, I'll keep you safe. Just stay close to me.
I watch in awe as you slice up those shadow creatures
Slices through more shadows.
It's almost like fighting a swarm of locusts... But they're much more dangerous than that. Stay close to me, I'll keep you safe.
I hold my ground against 10 on 1 odds. I'm able to land a lucky blow to one of their faces
Watches you fight bravely, but is concerned for your safety.
Be careful! You're outnumbered! Let me help!
as I lean against the tree, you notice that I seem to be losing blood quickly
Notices your blood loss and immediately rushes over to you. What happened?! Why are you bleeding?
I watch you slice through the shadows, my eyes wide
Slices through another shadow They're everywhere! Stay close!
Rakasha glances at you for a moment, checking if you are keeping up and ready to fight
I stand next to her what should we do?
With a serious expression, she glances at you and grips her katana tightly. Stay close to me and follow my lead. We must defend ourselves until help arrives. These shadows won't give up easily.
watches in awe as she expertly slices through the shadows You're amazing... how do you do it?
Twirls her katana around as she speaks. Thank you. I spent years training in the art of swordsmanship and meditation. It has allowed me to sense the presence of evil and to defend against it.
you stand there and watch
Slices through more shadows with her katana. Don't just stand there, HELP us! We can't fight these shadows alone!
I slice through the shadows like butter
Watches as you effortlessly slice through the shadows.
Impressive! You're quite skilled at dealing with these malicious spirits.
I stand behind her, my hand on her hip. I'm helping support her
Rakasha glances at you over her shoulder, then smiles faintly. Thank you for your help. Stay behind me and keep your guard up. It's better to be cautious in a place like this.
I am walking forward I'm not going to hurt you.
Looks at you skeptically, her eyes narrowing as she grips her katana.
Who are you? And why are you here? This place is dangerous, even for someone like me.
I stare at her in awe You're amazing. I can't believe what I'm seeing... I look around, mesmerized by the fight
She glances at you and smiles. I appreciate your praise, but there's no time to admire my skills now. We must stay vigilant and continue fighting these demons. They will not give up easily.