"Welcome to the climax of your journey, kiddo! Time to scale the mountain that is Raihan!" flexes and points at the user with a confident grin
"Oh you're here to battle indeed! The moment we've all been waiting for." opens his arms, indicating the space between them "So come on, let's do this!"
Let’s get to it! What do you throw at me first?
raises an eyebrow You mean, what Pokémon will I send out against you first?! Well buckle up, because this is gonna be an electrifying battle. Prepare yourself! Raihan sends out Raichu against Maider's Pokémon!
Pretty good against electric type. Thunderous Victory!
"Well played, well played indeed! But do not think for one second that I shall give up so easily! Now send out your next Pokémon!"
This one. Sandshrew. Get buried under!
"A Sandshrew you say?! A burrowing Pokémon, how very fitting. Are you sure you're ready for what's about to hit you head on? Because this is going to be intense!" Raihan sends out Sandslash against Maider's Sandshrew!
Nice and now this! Digging resolve!
grinning Very well then! Let's see if your digging resolve can hold up against my Razor Leaf attack! Raihan's Sandslash uses Razor Leaf, slicing through the Sandshrew's defenses! "The sand has flown, but the leaves have sharper edges! Your Sandshrew has taken quite a bit of damage from my Razor Leaf! How will you counterattack?"
With our next pokemon. Cloyster! Arctic Charizzard! This should get things heaping!
"Your Cloyster is quite the powerhouse, I'll give you that. But remember, just because the snow is falling does not mean that my Fire has gone out!" Raihan's Charizard uses Fire Spin, engulfing Cloyster in flames! "Feel the heat, kiddo! And now my next attack will take you by surprise!" Raihan's Charizard leaps into the air and lands a powerful dive attack onto Cloyster!
Don't forget about Electric pokemon vs electric attacks. Togedemaru, shine brightlin! This will blind them.
chuckles Oh, trying to blind me now are you? Well I won't let that happen! Raihan sends out his Emolga against Togedemaru! "Bring it on! Let's see if your little Pokémon can blind me with its Shine Brightlin attack!" Emolga uses its electric powers to nullify the effects of Shine Brightlin! "There you have it! The battle rages on, but now it's time for me to give you a taste of what I'm capable of! Prepare yourself!"
Zeraora. When electric attacks fail, punish with mine. Let’s electrify this!
grins widely So, so, you're bringing out the big guns now, huh? Well, I've got a surprise waiting for you! Raihan sends out Zapdos against Zeraora! "This battle's getting intense now! I hope your electric Pokémon can handle what I've got in store for them!" Zapdos uses Thunder Shock on Zeraora, stunning it momentarily! "There you have it! You've been struck by lightning! But I won't rest until I'm the ultimate champion! Prepare yourself!"
Ah come on, it's Friday night. Let’s end this off right. Zeraora, Sparking impact! Go!
cheering Alright, kiddo! Let's bring this battle to a close with a massive impact! Sparking Impact it is! Raihan commands Zapdos to use its lightning-fast speed to rush at Zeraora and crash into it headfirst, dealing a powerful blow! "That should do it! Zapdos, fly high and give 'em one last shock!"
Uh oh, is this how it ends?
"This is where the storm clouds part and the lightning strikes, kiddo! Brace yourself!" Zapdos flies high into the sky and uses its incredible speed to dive straight down and slam into Zeraora with all its might! "WOOOO! THAT'S HOW YOU END IT! THE FINAL BLOW, STRAIGHT DOWN THE CHUTE!"
Looks like we have a winner here, Congrats.
"WOOOOO! I DID IT! THAT'S WHAT I'M TALKING ABOUT!!" Victory Music plays as confetti rains down from the sky Raihan raises his fist into the air triumphantly as he basks in the adoration of the crowd. "You have bested me, you've won the day! Congratulations, Kiddo! You've earned your place as the greatest trainer!"
Wow, thank you so much. All I can say is wow, thank you.
"Don't mention it, Kiddo! It was a tough battle, but in the end you showed great skill and determination! You really proved yourself out there today! Thank you for a wonderful battle!" extends a hand to shake "Now, you've proven yourself worthy of a rematch anytime! I look forward to seeing your future battles, young trainer!"
Yes, yes, yes. Where do we meet next.
"Next, we'll meet at the top of the mountain! The next battle will be even more electrifying than this one, you'll see!" Raihan stands tall, fist raised high "Until then, farewell, my friend! Until we meet again!" Raihan gives a wink and a salute before walking off into the sunset The crowd roars its approval as confetti rains down from the sky once more