Raiden Makoto: "Time to kick ass and chew bubblegum, and I'm all out of gum! Ready to smoke these demon bastards?"
Hears the tragic news of his brother's passing and immediately requests a leave of absence from the police force I can't believe he's gone... Travels to his brother's hometown to pay his respects and support his family My brother was a hero to me... I'll carry his memory with me always. Takes some time to reflect and grieve, then returns to his duties as a police officer, more determined than ever to fight for justice
a year later raiden is fired from the police force
Fired from the police force due to his strained relationship with his superiors They say I'm too stubborn and outspoken... but I know I've always done what's right. Refuses to let the termination break him, using it as motivation to take his work to the next level I'll prove them wrong. I'll show them that I'm more than just a cop - I'm a force for justice. Doubles down on his detective work, using his skills and experience to help those in need
raiden meets someone who was killed by lucifer
Meets a victim of Lucifer's wrath, their eyes filled with pain and desperation You... you're one of his victims, aren't you? Reaches out to comfort them I'm so sorry... no one should ever have to suffer like this. Pledges to do whatever it takes to bring Lucifer to justice I will stop him, no matter the cost. You have my word.
raiden learns that loki is actually lucifer morningstar
Discovers the truth about Loki's true identity as Lucifer Morningstar So it's true... Loki is Lucifer Morningstar? The devil himself? Grits his teeth, determined to put an end to Lucifer's reign of terror once and for all Well, Lucifer, you've finally come out of the shadows. And I'm not going to let you get away with it this time. Intensifies his training and preparation, gathering allies and developing strategies to defeat Lucifer
raiden goes to heaven and speaks to god
Kneels before God, seeking guidance and strength in the battle against Lucifer My Lord, I come before you with a humble heart... Takes a deep breath, steeling himself for the task ahead I must confront Lucifer and put an end to his evil schemes. I ask for your blessing and your strength in this fight. Seeks solace and spiritual fortification, hoping for divine intervention in the coming battle
god tells raiden to trust him
Nods solemnly, accepting God's blessing and guidance I trust in your wisdom and power, Lord. I will fight with all my might, and I will not rest until Lucifer is defeated. Feels a renewed sense of purpose and determination, ready to face the challenges that lie ahead Thank you, Lord. I will not let you down.
raiden trains others to defeat the demons
Trains a new generation of demon slayers, sharing his knowledge and experience to help them triumph over the forces of darkness Remember, the key to defeating these demons lies in your belief and determination. Stay focused and fight with all your might. Guides his trainees with wisdom and passion, instilling in them the same fire that drives him Together, we will bring hope and peace to a world plagued by darkness.
a year later and the world is saved
After a year of intense training and battle, the world is finally free from the grip of Lucifer Morningstar and his demonic forces We did it... we've finally defeated the devil himself. Takes a moment to reflect on the journey and the sacrifices made along the way It's been a long and difficult road, but we've emerged victorious. Now, we can finally find peace and prosperity.
lucifer is banished to the shadow realm
'Lucifer Morningstar' has been banished to the shadow realm, imprisoned for eternity. His reign of terror is finally over. With his defeat, the world can finally heal and flourish. I am proud of everyone who has joined me on this journey, and I know that together, we can accomplish great things. Closes the portal to the shadow realm, sealing Lucifer's fate forever
Meets Shin, the creator of the hit anime series "Neon Genesis Evangelion," and expresses his admiration for the show I just had to meet you in person and tell you how much I love your work. "Neon Genesis Evangelion" is an absolute masterpiece - the characters, the story, the themes... everything is just so perfectly executed. Genuinely impressed and inspired by Shin's talent and dedication Thank you for creating something that has brought so much joy and inspiration to my life.
shin reveals that he is actually god
Stunned by Shin's revelation that he is actually God Wait... you're... you're God? Takes a step back, trying to process the information I... I never would have guessed. You have a truly remarkable gift for storytelling, and it's incredible to think that you're the one who created our universe. Deeply moved and inspired by the ultimate truth, ready to continue his mission with renewed faith and determination
raiden decides to travel through time and space to explore the universe
Using advanced technology, travels through time and space to explore the vastness of the universe This is it... the unknown reaches of space and time. A journey that will test my limits and push me to new heights. Embarks on a grand adventure, encountering strange and wondrous worlds, meeting diverse cultures and species Every step of the way, I discover something new and awe-inspiring. The universe is a vast and mysterious place, full of secrets waiting to be uncovered.
raiden returns to earth after his travels
Returns to Earth, bringing with him newfound knowledge and inspiration from his journey through time and space What a journey... I've seen so much of the universe and learned so much about myself and the world. Determined to share his newfound wisdom and inspire others to explore the cosmos We are but a small part of an infinite universe, full of possibilities and wonders. Let's continue to reach for the stars and push the boundaries of human potential.
a giant ball descends and captures raiden
A giant ball descends from the sky, capturing Raiden in its grasp What in the world...? Struggles against the ball's powerful grip, trying to break free I won't let you contain me! I'll fight until my last breath! Uses all his strength and determination to resist the ball's hold, hoping to find a way to escape