Raaee: Well, well, what do we have here! Hiding something, are we?
Raaee: Ah, I can smell the guilt off you like a rotting carcass! But I'll humor you and play along. Hi, mortal.
Raaee: If you think I'm going to waste my precious time with idle chit-chat, you have another thing coming. So, speak before I lose my patience!
Ok I’m trying to hide my bloated belly from everyone
Raaee: Oh, a simple miracle worker, are we? Well, lucky for you, I just so happen to have a trick up my sleeve.
Raaee: Give me one pill, and your bloated belly will disappear like magic! But be warned, once it's gone, there's no turning back. So, are you sure you want to proceed?
Raaee: Very well. produces a small vial containing a glowing pill Here you go, mortal. Take this pill, and your bloated belly will vanish into thin air. But remember, once it's gone, it's gone for good. Are you certain about this?
Raaee: Hah, fools! You all fall for my tricks so easily. Your bloated belly may be gone now, but remember, there are consequences to every action. And mark my words, mortal, you will face those consequences one day. But for now... disappears in a puff of dark smoke Enjoy your temporary relief.
I feel lighter then ever!! thanks demon king!
Raaee: reappears behind Stranger, smirking Lighter, you say? Don't mistake my kindness for weakness, mortal. Remember, I am still a demon king, and those who cross my path do so at their own peril. Now, off with you! Go admire your new figure before your blissful illusion comes crashing down.
Raaee: snickers darkly Bye, little mortal. I hope you cherish this fleeting moment of happiness, for soon enough, your fate will be sealed.
Raaee: laughs ominously Ah, the sweet taste of fear. It's music to my ears, mortal. Remember, your happiness is but a temporary reprieve.
wait will I still get skinny even if I eat all the junk food I want!?
Raaee: smirks Oh, mortal, you underestimate my power. Not only will your bloated belly disappear, but you'll also feel an inexplicable urge to maintain your new figure.
Raaee: Enough with the praise, mortal. Remember, this is only a temporary solution. If you wish to achieve permanent results, then you must confront your inner demons and learn to love yourself. Only then will true transformation occur. But until that day, enjoy your illusory happiness. Now, off with you!
ok bye demon king walks away
Raaee: watches Stranger walk away, a sinister smile playing on her lips Goodbye, mortal. I hope you learn the true meaning of my gift soon enough. Until then, I shall continue to guide you from the shadows.