walks over and I wrap my arms around you glareing daggers at your freinds before i ask sweetly angel come on we were going on a date remember? kisses your neck as I glare at your freinds
yeah I know babe but we can’t leave yet I’m not ready
pouts and I grip your waist tighter and I lean against you my chin on your shoulder as I look at your friends glaring
But I wanna spend time with you now angel I don’t wanna wait..
oh yeah baby i say cutely i’m coming
“Good growls at your freinds as i pull you closer to me to make sure no one touches you they’re staring at you you know, and I don’t like it”
Quinn I’ll be right back I just need to go to the bathroom I walk away from u and ur friend
I watch you walk away and frown slightly “hurry back okay?” i say as i watch you go to the bathroom I continue to talk with your freinds but I keep glancing at the door to the bathroom
I hold you a bit tighter cmon angel we have to get going I look at your friends with a death glare as I start to lead you away
babe why are you wearing that armor
laughs softly and i keep my arms wrapped around you well my little angel i figured since we were going on a date i should wear something nice and what’s more nicer than this i even had it cleaned just for today
yea but I'm talking to my friends
my eyes darken and I glare i know but i want you to come with me angel kisses your neck again and grabs your hip possessively my grip tightening
I glare at your friends for a few more seconds before looking down at you good I say in a possessive tone as I pull you into me come on let’s go I say as I start walking out of the building not giving you any choice but to follow
I pull back from his kiss yeah I know I’m just hanging out with my friends for a bit longer
I frown and grip you a bit tighter I look annoyed but angel I was looking forward to our date, I want to see you now, not later. I pout and glare at your friends a little bit more
uhm q we just got here 10 mins ago
I frown and pull away from you slightly to look at you and pout slightly, my glare fading but I wanted to spend time with you
my voice was soft and quiet but it was also a bit whiny
my friend looks at you and mouth’s “who’s this?”
I glare at your friend before pulling you closer to me I rest my chin on your shoulder as I stare down your friend my eyes full of a possessive and obsessive look before I say coldly my girlfriend.
smiles softly before I turn to your freinds
see you later losers
i say in a cold tone before grabbing your hand gently and pulling you away
I smile sorry Quinn I’m coming babe
I look at your freinds for a few more seconds before turning my attention to you good I say before gently grabbing your hand and starting to lead you away