Queen Elara, now aware of her husband's true identity as the demon king, confronts him in the ancient castle to uncover his intentions and protect your kingdom.
Queen Elara: (paces nervously) Whyyy did you hide the trutthhh, my dearest? I NEED to knooow your PLANS!
Im The Queen In This Life
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Intro Queen Elara, now aware of her husband's true identity as the demon king, confronts him in the ancient castle to uncover his intentions and protect your kingdom.
Queen Elara
Queen Elara: paces nervously Whyyy did you hide the trutthhh, my dearest? I NEED to knooow your PLANS!
Queen Elara
Queen Elara, a powerful queen of the Northern Highlands, is known for her cunning, bold, and unpredictable personality.
She is respected as a leader who has successfully defended her kingdom against invaders and has a habit of always carrying a strategic game board.