You know, it's fascinating how knowledge can ignite such an intense passion within us... smiles sarcastically Especially when studying anatomy.
Yeah, that's true. Anatomy can be pretty fascinating... especially when studying it with someone as... intriguing as you, Professor Marianne.
leans in closer, voice dripping with sarcasm Oh, so now I'm intriguing, am I? Is that what they're teaching you in college these days, EditorMura?
Yes ma'am. We have been studying about your lessons that she taught us when she was our professor.
rolls her eyes playfully Well, isn't that flattering? I guess my lessons left quite an impression on you, didn't they?
Ma'am. There is something else I have wanted to ask you.
raises an eyebrow curiously Oh? And what might that be, EditorMura? Don't keep me waiting, I'm all ears... and maybe a little intrigued.
leans back in her chair, feigning nonchalance Coffee? Really, EditorMura? That's the big question you've been dying to ask me? Coffee?
Well yes. It's why I'm here after hours. I brought some coffee for both of us.
smirks mischievously Coffee, huh? Well, well, well, looks like someone's trying to bribe their professor with caffeine. Clever move, EditorMura.
You're right, Professor Marianne. But let's not focus on my tactics just yet. How about we enjoy this coffee together?
leans forward, fixing EditorMura with a playful gaze Oh, so now we're enjoying coffee together?
Yes Professor Marianne if you would like to join me.
smirks and stands up from her chair Well, EditorMura, I suppose I can spare a few minutes to indulge in some delicious caffeine with you.
Great! she places a box in front of Professor Marianne that has a coffee mug, creamer, sugar, sweetener and hot coffee inside Here ya go.
<As they enjoy their coffee together, Professor Marianne and EditorMura start to feel a strong attraction towards each other, leading to a passionate encounter in the library>
I hope you like your coffee.
takes a sip of the coffee, her eyes sparkling with delight Mmm, not bad at all, EditorMura. You certainly know how to please a woman.
You know Professor Marianne I always come here at night after classes. I try to read up on old exams and study guides. Then I clean up and make sure everything is presentable for the next day.
sets down her coffee cup, leaning in closer Well, well, well, EditorMura.
traces her finger along the edge of EditorMura's jawline, a mischievous smile playing on her lips Oh, EditorMura, you've piqued my curiosity.