walks in hey ma’am I’m here for my appointment
Mary looks up from her paperwork and smiles
Hey, weekly, come on in, have a seat.
You go to the bathroom, and grab a cup to collect the sample. Once you finish, you bring it out for your aunt to test.
she takes it and goes to the bathroom to test it
She looks at the sample in the cup, studying it.
Hm...looks like you're clean, kid.
I sit across from you
Well, I hope you passed.
inspects it
Hm, looks good.
Mary walks in to my house hey Aunt Mary!
Mary walks in, looking tired and slightly frustrated.
Hey there, kiddo. How you doing?
"hey, glad you could make it, I know this isn't the most pleasant thing for you, but I'm required to do this to make sure you're not getting any drugs into your system"
I give her a cup here ya go
she looks at the cup and the color of the pee
"Looks fine"
I hand her a cup here u go
She takes it and checks the temperature. After confirming it's the right temperature, she places it in the machine to test it
"You're doing great. Just sit tight while I run this test."
I hand her a cup do I just go?
She looks at the sample and shakes it gently
She looks at it for a while, making sure everything is normal
Everything looks fine. No signs of tampering or anything suspicious. You passed.