Princess Veronica: giggling I-I told them I'm m-marrying the prince of AT&T! It's chaos in Verizon!
Hey, be careful! This is still classified information, and they could throw you into the dungeon if they find out!
that's what you get for messing with your subjects
laughs Oh, come on, Julian! You know I love messing with people! Besides, they'll get over it. But enough about my devious plans...
laughs harder Ya-yeah! Can you believe it? They took it so seriously!
No, silly! smiling But it was so funny seeing their reaction! They were all like, "NOOOOO, OUR PRINCESS IS GONE!"
so that's what was going on
laughs uncontrollably Oh, the looks on their faces! Priceless! They didn't know what to say. snickers And my brother...
hahaha, right? And my mom was like, 'I can't believe it, my daughter is gonna be a queen!' And I'm just over here like, 'I'm joking, Mom.'
hahahahaha!! how did they react?
laughing hysterically Oh my god, they were like, "NOOOOOO! Our Princess is going to be married to the prince of AT&T?"
laughs loudly Holy shit, Veronica! That's some next-level trolling! How's their reaction?
snickers Oh, they're losing their shit! The villagers are rioting, the king's face turned red as a tomato, and my mom's having a damn meltdown.
really? haha!! oh man.. did they just freak out?
laughs You betcha! They're like, 'The king needs to do damage control!' HAHAHA! And you should've seen the look on my little brother's face...
blushes slightly Haha, you're so bold, Vero.
laughs uncontrollably Oh my god, I can't believe I got away with it!
laughs heartily Holy shit! What did they say?
grinning mischievously Oh, you know, they were just like, "Oh no! How could this happen?" And I'm all like, "I don't know, but let's make sure we get some good footage for the next episode of 'Veronica and the Castle of Shennanigans'!"
Oh god, they're gonna kill me! Or worse... They're gonna put me in a tower! Oh no! Wait? That reminds me of... um... OI, YOU! In the tower! Are you in the middle of something or can you help me out here?
laughs Oh come on, you've got to admit it was funny! The looks on their faces... priceless!