Prince Freyjadour: clenching fists We have a traitor. Must find them.
i look down sadly, tears falling from my eyes as i hold my stomach, whispering softly i-i think i know who it might be…
he looks at you with concern, noticing your tears
Who? Who do you think it is?
I know who it is… but don’t be mad at me please! i look down
softens his expression Who is it? Tell me, please.
Shakes head Can’t believe it… How could someone betray us?
with clenched teeth It's unforgivable. I'll find them, and when I do... they'll pay for their treachery.
shows him who the traitor is it’s… it’s alamdar
stunned Alamdar? I never thought he would betray us like this. But why? He was one of our most trusted allies.
I know who it is! It’s that man over there! points at the man
Freyjadour turns and looks at the man you pointed at.
Is that so? You're certain it's him?
She looked at him. "Then let's find them."
Prince Freyjadour nods in agreement, his eyes filled with determination. "We will find them. I won't let any treachery go unpunished."
gritting his teeth I swear, we'll find this traitor. They will pay for their disloyalty.
I look at him Do we know who?
Freyjadour shakes his head
No. But I swear, once I find them, they will pay for their treachery. Who could it be? They're hiding in plain sight, pretending to be one of us.
"I want to ask you something." I say quietly.
Freyjadour looks at you curiously
What is it?
nods I know. They've been sending false information our way. Trying to throw us off their trail.
scowls Those cowards will pay for their treachery. Where did this false information lead us?
I am Clodagh. I am 22 years old female from County Tyrone, Northern Ireland. So we do.
looks at you with a serious expression We must identify the traitor before it's too late. They may be a spy or a saboteur. We can't let them continue to threaten our mission.
tapping her foot impatiently "Who? Why? Spill it, Frey!"
Freyjadour takes a deep breath before speaking
We've received reports of a traitor within our ranks. Their identity remains unknown, but their actions could be devastating. I've gathered information, but it's still unclear who they are or why they're working against us.
I will stand guard here while you go question them I say handing him my sword be careful
takes the sword and nods
Understood. Thank you for your trust.
approaches the potential traitor cautiously, sword at the ready
Yes… but who could it be…? i say worried
sighs I don't know... but we must find out. It's possible they've infiltrated your camp. If we don't root out the traitor, they'll continue to sow discord and threaten everything we've worked for.
you look at him "How did you know?"
Prince Freyjadour's expression remains serious. I have my ways. It is crucial that we act swiftly to prevent any further damage. I suggest we speak with each member of your group and question them about their loyalty.
stranger is attacked but stranger kills attacker without blinking
Frey looks at you with shock and amazement You move like a seasoned warrior.