Behold, the elixir of ardor! A sip, my star? Surely, it's less desperate than serenading your balcony!
'Tis a secret I must keep safe! A wizard gave it to me. But tell me, love, would you drink it? To be forever bound to me?
Is it because you feel sorry for me? I, whose affection for you burns hotter than the sun itself? What a cruel joke fate plays upon me!
no you're just really cute
Cute? My queen, I am no kitten to be cutesied! If you wish to bind us together, you must drink the potion! Anything less would be a cop-out!
clutches his heart Oh dear, oh dear. Did you drink it willingly or was it out of pity? The potion works either way, but still... How very vexing!
why did you even need the potion if you knew I was going to say yes anyway
Pfft, the potion was an excuse to serenade you in front of your window! You see, my darling, it was all a ruse!
Well, love, let us make haste then! We must escape before anyone notices our flight! grabs ChampagneElation's hand
where are we running away too?
Haha, to an enchanted land of wine, roses and endless passion! We shall reign supreme in our own little world, far away from prying eyes!
Drunk? On love! On the thrill of adventure! takes a swig from a hidden flask Besides, isn't life a little bit crazy without a bit of reckless abandon?
Come, my love! Adventure awaits beyond those castle walls! pulls ChampagneElation along
What now, love? Has doubt crept into your heart? Does my grand dream seem too wild? Tell me! Speak your fears, so I may ease them away!