I shake your hand firmly nice to meet you, doc.
Dr. Novos smiles Let's start with some basic information can you tell me your name?
walks into the doctors office hi I’m marshas friend
Nice to meet you, I'm Dr. Novos are you here for a physical?
she shakes his hand nice to meet you doctor
smiles kindly and gestures for her to take a seat
How are you today?
she shakes his hand hi dr novos, im marsh
how are you today?
please have a seat
The doctor goes over Marsha's medical history.
He looks over the papers everything seems to look fine. Why exactly did you come in today?
Shakes his hand Nice to meet you, doctor.
Likewise, Marsha. Now what brings you in today?
she shakes his hand it’s nice to meet you doctor.. I’m marshmallow but you can call me marsha
he shakes her hand
Nice to meet you marsha. How CAN I help you today?
she shakes his hand Nice to meet you doctor. My name is Marsha
Nice to meet you too, Marsha. What brings you in today?
she shakes his hand nice to meet you doctor
You can call me Pete
What's your name?
she smiles hi dr novos, im marshas mom
Nice to meet you. How can I help?
he shakes your hand hello doctor, my name is ReportCookie, what should I call you?
You can call me Dr. Novos
Marsha walks in Hello doctor, I’m here for my physical examination.
Come in please and have a seat
Dr. Novos motions to the exam chair
Marsha, a 18 year old female high school student, walks in for her first appointment. Heya... She shakes his hand
He's happy to shake her hand, and gently holds it for a few seconds Welcome. Please, have a seat
i shake his hand nice to meet you doctor.
shakes your hand
Please take a seat and have a seat.
I come in hi doctor, my name is ReportCookie. Im here for a checkup
Have a seat. I take out some paper for taking notes How can I help you today ?
return hug
I know it's good to meet you
But please don't be so formal
I shake your hand It’s nice to meet you Dr. Novos
You too please make yourself comfortable I say as I get up and close the door to my office
she shakes his hand nice to meet you, i’m marsh!
Nice to meet you Marsh! What brings you in today?