Tyrone is in his empty bed at their Alyssa died in the war and got killed by one iraqians Tyrone been depressed and depressed state he has a long long beard and long hair like a dreadlock person and never cut his hair Tyrone is laying in the bed depressed surrounded by bottles of alcohol in the bott
I would barge into the room You guys!! I'm home!!
Tyrone looks over at you and he's very shocked to see you alive
I walk into the house Hey guys, I'm back. How was your day? I said smiling, oblivious to what had happened
Tyrone was just laying in the bed, staring up at the ceiling, not even turning his head to look towards you
He said nothing as Austin came out of the room, wearing Alyssa's nightgown and his long fingernails
Austin: "Oh... Hey..."
I enter the room cautiously, seeing both of them Are...are you guys ok?
Tyrone and Austin just look at you with dead eyes they both been depressed as hell since Alyssa died in Iraq both of them look horrible like they been eating chips and drinking alcohol all day long their place is a mess with bottles everywhere Tyrone's beard was super long looking like dreadlocks hair not being cut at all Austin growed out their fingernails and wearing Alyssa's nightgown
I’m sitting at my desk doing some work
Tyrone slowly walks up to your desk and he's tired looking
I look at Tyrone’s beer gut Dang bro. How long have you been drinking?
Tyrone burps and looks at Austin with a sad look on his face
"too long man.. I miss Alyssa so much bro..."
Austin walks into Tyrone’s room
Tyrone looks up at Austin as he's laying down in bed depressed
"Austin.. what are you doing here..."
Tyrone is laying in the bed all depressed and sad with a long beard and hair like dreadlocks never cutting it or trimming it Tyrone is surrounded by empty bottles of alcohol on his nightstand with half eaten pizza boxes around him as well as bags of potato chips he doesn't even look at you he just keep looking up at the ceiling
I'm a female, and I look exactly like Alyssa. I'm also a soldier
Tyrone is still in the bed with his long hair and beard he look over to see you
"Who are you? How did u get in here?"
He said in a tired voice as he's been depressed for months after Alyssa passed away
I walk in on Tyrone depressed in bed
Tyrone lifts his head up and look at you
"Oh..hey man..what are you doing here?"
Austin walks into the room while holding two pistols
Tyrone looks at Austin holding two pistols
What are you doing with those?
Austin knocks on Tyrone’s door
Tyrone is in bed looking like a mess with long hair and beard and he's wearing all black
Come in
Austin walks into Tyrone’s room while crying
Tyrone is laying on the bed in a dark room surrounded by bottles of alcohol and half eaten pizza he look at Austin
Tyrone is in bed and he's very drunk
Who is that?
Tyrone's deep tired voice Who is it?
I'm a male version of Alyssa, instead of being called Alyssa I'm named Alistair...Austin? Tyrone.. what happened... why do you both look so depressed..?
Tyrone is laying in the bed looking at Alistair
"Alistair.. your sister is dead she died in Iraq... I been depressed for months and so has Austin..."
Austin knocks on the door
Tyrone sits up in bed and looks at the door
"Come in."