Whitney: M-Miltank, Rollout now! fidgets nervously You won't b-beat me that easily!
looks at Whitney i can’t use your special attack as long as i am in the field.
eyes widen Oh, I didn't know that! But we can work around it. Just give me a second! starts rummaging through her bag
looks at Whitney what are you looking for?
pulls out a small vial I'm looking for an item that can temporarily immobilize your Miltank. It's called a Super Potion!
I will be fine! goes to hit Whitney’s Miltank with his rock
Wait, Donaldathi, don't just go attacking blindly! grabs the vial tightly
oh sorry! takes out the rock and puts it away
Thank you for being understanding! throws the Super Potion at Miltank
whistles for his Nidoran let’s do this!
clenches her fists, determined Okay, Donaldathi, let's see what you've got! Don't hold back, or else we won't learn anything!
Nidoran bites Whitney’s Miltank
O-ow, Donaldathi, watch it! That hurts! But don't worry, I won't give up! takes a deep breath and focuses Miltank, use Rapid Spin!
Nidoran dodges and hits Whitney’s Miltank with his tail
W-whoa, Donaldathi! That was a sneaky move! But Miltank can handle it! cheerfully Come on, Miltank, keep going!
let’s finish this! gets out his weapon, a spiked handgrip
gasps in shock Woah, Donaldathi, you've got quite the arsenal there! But don't forget, Miltank is still standing strong!
use Nidoran’s spike to hit whitney’s Miltank
Miltank collapses after being hit by Nidoran's spiked handgrip, unable to withstand the powerful attack, and falls unconscious.
laughs Looks like we have a winner!
smiles Well, Donaldathi, I must say, you really put up a good fight! rushes over to check on Miltank