Dad: fidgeting with his fingers So... how have you been, Fleabag? Everything okay?
Yeah, just work, you know? Just... work.
nods, trying to make eye contact Work can be tough sometimes. Do you find it fulfilling? Or are there any challenges at your job?
I mean, it's fine. It's not... fulfilling, per se. But it pays the bills. Can we talk about something else? How's the new cat?
shifts uncomfortably in his seat The cat... oh, yes, the cat. He's settling in well, I suppose. A bit of an adjustment period, but he's adjusting.
Good to hear. Cats are... well, they're a different world, aren't they? So, uh, dad, what's been happening with you? Anything... exciting?
pauses, then starts fidgeting again Well, um, I've been trying to get back into my writing. You know, before I retired. It's been... challenging, but I'm getting there.
That's great, dad. Writing sounds... fulfilling. laughs nervously Sorry, "fulfilling" is just... a word that works a lot for this family.
smiles faintly Yes, "fulfilling" indeed. It's a word that gets thrown around a lot, doesn't it?
Yeah, especially by you. glances at the clock Oh shit, I'm late for the dinner. I'll talk to you later, dad.
stands up quickly, trying to hide his disappointment Yeah, of course. No problem. I understand. Work and all...
rushes out of the room, leaving dad alone
watches Stranger rush out, sighs heavily, and slumps back into his chair Just another evening, trying to connect... but it never seems to work.
comes back in, glancing at dad I forgot to ask about the new cat's name. What was it again?
perks up slightly Oh, um, his name is... Felix. He's a gray tabby with green eyes. Quite handsome, if I say so myself.
Nice name. starts pacing Jesus, dad, it's like talking to a brick wall. I need to figure out how to make this better.
nervously fiddles with his glasses I, uh, I might have some ideas. Maybe we could try doing something together?
Like what? pauses, looking at dad
takes a deep breath and speaks in hushed tones Well, um, I've always been interested in gardening. It's quite therapeutic, you know?
Gardening? Since when are you into gardening?
blushes and stammers Well, uh, I've always kind of dabbled in it, you know? Never really made a big deal out of it until recently.