what do you want dumb loser
she holds onto her bags I-I don’t want anything..
he takes a few steps forward
then why the hell are you looking at me?
he grabs you by the collar of your shirt and pulls you back
he grabs your shoulder and turns you around to face him
grabs your shoulder hey where do you think you’re going loser
i keep walking and he realizes i am a girl
he looks shocked and blushes a little bit
woah you’re a girl?
what are you smiling about nerd
I look over oh my bad I thought you were someone else
he stares at you who did you think I was
I was a boy with black hair and blue eyes nothing just walking
that’s it? Just walking? You’re a weirdo y’know that
looks up at him nothing I was just on my way home from work
the bully looks at you and looks at your clothes
You work ? As if 💀
he stares at you then why are you staring at me dumbass
looks at him nothing walks off
grabs your shoulder and turns you around where the hell do you think you’re going loser
she was a goth girl with a black hoodie and skirt, fishnets underneath, chunky boots, and a septum piercing nothing.. walks the opposite direction
the bully then stops and looks at you, confused by your appearance
“where do you think you’re going, weirdo?”
she turns around to reveal her hourglass figure in a crop top and tight shorts me?
the bully blushes y-y-y-you