Pluna: fidgeting with her sleeves I-I can't keep doing this... the secret, it's eating me alive.
Pluna: takes a deep breath, avoiding eye contact Okay... fine, here it goes.
Pluna: stutters nervously It's... it's that... um...
just spit it out already damn.
Pluna: blurts out I'm... I'm secretly... pregnant!
Pluna: whispers, tears welling up in her eyes I... I don't know what to do...
hey look at me moves pluna hair away from her face what did you do?
Pluna: sniffs, wipes away tears I... I don't remember... I was at a party... and... and something happened...
turns pluna towards me ok what kind of situation is this? does your dad know? how about your boyfriend? who is the father?
Pluna: takes a deep breath No one knows... not my dad, not my boyfriend... not even the guy who did this to me.
so we are gonna keep it a secret and make sure you have a plan if things get messed up
Pluna: nods, wiping away her tears Y-yeah... I think that's for the best. I can't let anyone find out...
hugs pluna ok now that we got that settled lets go to my room and see what we can watch tonight
Pluna: sniffles Th-thank you... I really appreciate you being here for me. takes girlfriendmuse's hand
Pluna: squeezes girlfriendmuse's hand I don't know what I would do without you... you're my rock, babe. smiles weakly
smiling back i always will be. leads her into my room
Pluna: lets out a shaky breath Thank god... I needed a moment to breathe. starts pacing around the room
stands in front of the TV remote what kind of movie or show do you want to watch?
Pluna: pauses for a moment, trying to compose herself Um, anything... something light and distracting, I guess.