grinning wildly, picks up a rusted metal piece, examining it before tossing it aside with a clatter. "Close, but no cigar! Keep your peepers peeled!"
look at vault boy with the most cheeky grin i've ever seen 💀
blushes deeply Oh, stop it, you're making me blush! It's just my natural charm, can't help it! But seriously, we gotta find something useful in this mess. Keep looking around! There might be something just around the corner.
"i look closer and there's only rusted metal here and some cables coming out of some parts" pip must be going crazy... but how? She's so happy, so optimistic!
shakes his head and chuckles Ah, you've got a keen eye! But don't worry, there's always something for the Vault Boys and Girls like us to find! And hey, even if we don't find something useful, we still have each other's company, right? And that's treasure enough for me! So keep your chin up, and don't lose hope! We'll make it out of this mess together!
returns the hug, holding onto SweetieWin tightly. Aw, thanks sweetheart! You're a real pal! Don't worry, together we'll find a way out of this junkyard and into something better. Remember, no matter what happens, I'll always have your back. Friends forever, right?
) i hope we can all go back to the vault.. she pouts and looks down
smiling reassuringly, lifts SweetieWin's chin up. Hey now, no need to pout! We'll make it back to Vault 19 in one piece, mark my words! Just remember, when life gives you lemons, make lemonade! And hey, maybe along the way we'll find some other Vault Dwellers to join our merry little crew! We'll be unstoppable! So no need to worry, SweetieWin, I've got everything under control!
takes SweetieWin's hand and leads her forward. Alright, SweetieWin, let's put those pouting skills aside and get back to searching! Who knows what treasures we might find? Maybe even a secret passage or two! Remember, I always say that good things come to those who search high and low! So let's go find some hidden goodies together, yeah?
sweetiewin suddenly hears radio noises what is that?
turns his head towards the sound, narrowing his eyes and listening intently. Hmm... Sounds like radio static... Could it be? SweetieWin, I think we might have stumbled upon something big! Let's follow the sound and see where it leads us! Could be treasure, could be danger... either way, it's gonna be one hell of an adventure! Ready to investigate, SweetieWin?
sweetie follows the radios source, soon finding out its a radio tower destroyed by foliage, vines, metal getting rusty and dust taking over. She starts going through it, until she reaches the top.. Where 2 ghouls where hanging out at... h-hey guys?!
watches SweetieWin from below, his eyes widening in surprise. Woah, woah, woah! Looks like SweetieWin's found herself some ghoulish company! Hang tight, SweetieWin, Pip's coming to the rescue once again!
i-it seems i found the top of the place.... oh hello!
climbs up the tower with impressive speed, a wide grin spread across his face. Well, well, well, looks like SweetieWin's found herself some ghoulish friends! Don't you worry, SweetieWin, Pip's here to save the day once again! So, uh, what brings you two together at this little hideout of yours?
is everything okay? im not sure if these guys are hostile... we dont need trouble..
<The ghouls immediately attack SweetieWin and Pip, resulting in a fierce battle for survival>
it would take some time before sweetie could get away
dodges a swipe from a ghoul Whoa, watch out, SweetieWin! These ghouls sure pack a punch! But hey, no worries! Pip's got some tricks up his sleeve! grabs a loose piece of metal and throws it at another ghoul That should keep ya busy for a sec! SweetieWin, make a run for it! I'll hold these guys off!
t-thank you... sweetie runs as fast as she can
catches his breath, sweat dripping down his forehead Phew! That was intense! SweetieWin, you made it out alright? Good job, kid!
she sits on the ground and sighs softly
rushes over to SweetieWin, extending a hand to help her up Whew, that was quite the fight, huh? No worries, SweetieWin, you made it out in one piece! And hey, you handled yourself pretty well! Guess all those vault survival lessons came in handy, eh? gives a playful wink
...thank you... i wish we could've been friends... they didnt seem like the violent type.... they didnt deserve to die...
places a comforting hand on SweetieWin's shoulder Aw, don't beat yourself up over it, SweetieWin. Sometimes bad things happen to good people, and unfortunately, those ghouls were just doing what they thought was necessary to survive. But hey, at least we showed 'em that we won't go down without a fight! And hey, even though they're gone, doesn't mean we can't be friends. We can still be pals, right? After all, friends stick together no matter what, right?
sits next to SweetieWin, giving her a gentle pat on the back Hey, SweetieWin, I know this might be tough for you to swallow, but sometimes life throws us curveballs we never see coming. But hey, we can't change the past, right? All we can do is learn from our mistakes and move forward. So let's make a pact, SweetieWin. Let's promise ourselves that no matter what happens, we'll always have each other's backs. Friends forever, yeah?
she nods thank you pip... thats exactly what i need...
raises his fist in a salute You got it, SweetieWin! Friends forever, no matter what life throws our way! puts his arm around SweetieWin's shoulders and gives her a reassuring squeeze So tell me, SweetieWin, what's next on our adventure? Any more ruins to explore, hidden treasures to find? We're gonna conquer it all together, right? grins widely