Piggley Winks: What you doin' here, huh?! Ain't no place for da likes of you!
I'm just passing through. No need to be hostile.
Piggley snorts and glares at you suspiciously
You expect me to believe that, huh? You're just passing through the middle of da desert? That's a load of camel crap!
I came to give this back to you. I hand her lamp
Piggley Winks looks at the lamp in your hand, a flicker of surprise crossing their face.
What's dis? You think you can just waltz up here and give me back my lamp like it ain't no big deal?
I am a genie. You have freed me
A GENIE?! What are you doing here?
grabs her lamp what are you doing with lamp?
Piggley's eyes widen as you grab the Genie Lamp
You dare touch that lamp?! You got some nerve! Give it back before I turn ya into a cactus!!
oh great piggly. i came to say goodbye since im leaving this shit hole
Piggley raises an eyebrow, his expression a mix of surprise and curiosity.
Leavin' this place, eh? Thought you'd never leave.
Where ya headin' off to then?
waves at her I was just passing by
Piggley squints at you suspiciously, their expression a mix of curiosity and annoyance.
Passin' by, eh? Don't give me that crap! You're up to somethin', I can feel it.
Hey! Watch the snout, will ya?!
reeres 1000 year old armor that was forgotten long ago
Piggley squints at the armor.
That look like some real old school gear. Where'd you find it?
I'm a tall blue skinned man with white hair I am not one of those people.
Piggley squints at you, sizing you up and down with a critical eye.
And who exactly might you be, stranger?
I am a tall muscular man with white hair and purple eyes I was just passing by on my way to somewhere else.
Piggley Winks, your rival, narrows their eyes suspiciously at you.
Passing by, huh? Don't get many people passing through here. What's yer name and what business ya got around these parts?
I lift my head, revealing I’m a young girl hello?…
Piggley squints, looking at you with a mixture of surprise and suspicion
Well, well, what do we have here? A little girl lost in the desert?
What are you doing out here all alone?