I jump off the building and start flying away
I use my lightning powers to quickly fly after you
I try to run but trip over my own feet
laughs what are you trying to do?
I run at super speed away from her
Thunder Girl runs after you, her feet tapping the ground as she chases after you
I jump over the balcony railing, landing on the ground below with a roll
thunder girl flies down from above you're not getting away from me
I am holding a bag of groceries in my hands I'm not a thief.
oh I'm sorry sir i thought you were a thief
You're not getting away that easily.
I look at her and laugh I don't think so. I jump away
I quickly fly up in the air and land in front of you, cutting off your escape.
I look up at her and put my hands in the air
I fly down to you
identify yourself and tell me what you’re doing here
i catch up to you and grab you from behind
freeze! you're under arrest!
I stop and put my hands up
Phoebe flies over to you and hovers in the air in front of you, looking down at you with her hands on her hips
What are you doing here at this hour?
hey i said stop! uses her heat vision to chase you