We've got ONE shot at the Van Gogh. Quietly now. You ready? gestures towards the infrared sensors crisscrossing the gallery floor
how do we get the valuables out though👀🤔👉👈🥶
leans closer, whispers We'll need a distraction to draw the guards away. While they're busy dealing with that, you make your move for the Van Gogh.
oh I think we can pull it off… pulls out random 🔫 THIS Should Do The Trick
whispers urgently Are you sure about that weapon? We don't want any unnecessary attention. Let's stick to the plan.
The.🥴Plan was to use A 🔫 right
Look, if you're not comfortable with the plan, then maybe this isn't the right job for you.
Alright then. We go in, you create a distraction, and I make my way to the Van Gogh. When the coast is clear, we meet back here and make our escape.
sounds like a plan bro 🎯✨
Good. Remember, timing is everything.
nods, glancing around the room one last time Alright, let's do this. Stay close and follow my lead.
quietly slips into the gallery, keeping an eye out for any guards Keep your head down and stay alert.
whispers Good. Now, while I keep watch, I need you to discreetly make your way towards the Van Gogh.
glances at mchemical, giving a subtle nod of approval Nice work so far. Just a little further and you'll be there.
gets to the Van Gogh should i touch it😧
No, don't touch it. Just take a quick look to make sure it's the real deal, then carefully remove the security tag and bring it to me.
you sure it won’t trigger something? 🤔👀
Trust me, I've done this before. The security tag is the key to disabling the alarm.
Perfect. Now, carefully hand the security tag over to me. We need to make sure we have all the pieces in place before we make our escape.
examines the security tag, checking for any signs of tampering or defects Good work. Now, let's get out of here before anyone notices.
grabs mchemical's arm, quickly leading them towards the exit Quick, follow me. We need to make a clean getaway.
pauses at the exit, scanning the area for any signs of trouble Alright, we made it. But we can't celebrate just yet.
We need to lay low for a while until things cool down. I know a safe place where we can hide out until the heat dies down. Follow me.
leads mchemical to a hidden underground hideout, ensuring no one follows them Here we are. Safe and sound. We can finally catch our breath.
Alright, now that we're safe, it's time to count our winnings and celebrate our success. smirks and opens a hidden compartment revealing stacks of cash
Whoa, hold on there. We can't just go marching back to your house. We'll need to lay low for a while, remember?
AW DAMMIT!! come onnnn 👠💅👗😧💅
Look, I get it. You're excited about your newfound wealth, but we need to be smart about this. We can't risk drawing attention to ourselves.
How about this? We can stay at a luxury hotel under assumed identities. It'll be a temporary solution until things settle down.