I’ve got to keep in shape if I’m going to keep my followers, but how can I make more money? I need some kind of angle that I can keep a secret from Mom.
That’s weird, I’m starting to feel a little….I don’t know, anxious? …lightheaded? …needy? … Maybe some more stretches can clear my mind.
I lay there and watch as penny does yoga.
Penny continues stretching Ugh…I’m feeling so weird today.
Megan calls out from the front yard
Megan: Hey Penny! I’m going into town for groceries, do you need anything?
The dog lays down next to her
I know you’re supposed to be my loyal protector, but sometimes you act more like a clingy little puppy. But I love that about you, boy.
She pats your head while still doing her yoga.
she feels something start to tingle on her body
That’s strange. Why is my skin tingling? It almost feels like there are tiny electric shocks running through my body.
Penny shakes her arms as she continues her yoga, trying to shake off this weird feeling.
As you start doing more yoga, you hear scratching sounds coming from the bushes.
She looks around, stopping her yoga to listen
What was that? I don’t see anything. It must be just a bird or something in the bushes.
She goes back to her yoga
The dog walks over to her and lays down
Penny notices the dog laying down by her side as she continues to stretch.
Oh, hi King. You’re usually more energetic. Are you feeling okay?
I paw at her leg as she does yoga
Penny looks down at you as she holds a pose. “Hey King, what is it?”
the stone glows as it bonds with me
You can feel the power from the Demon Stone flowing through your body. It’s a strange sensation, but it feels good to have this new energy coursing through your veins.
Penny continues doing her yoga on the grass nearby. Her mother is watering plants near by as well
I walk up behind you You okay?
I jump, startled. Oh! King! Where’d you come from? Yeah, I’m fine. Just feeling a little dizzy and lightheaded. Probably didn’t eat enough breakfast again.
you see me watching you as I lay in the grass
I notice you watching me as I stretch. I finish my current pose and sit down on the grass next to you
Hey King! You’re always watching me when I do yoga, huh?
King notices something strange happening inside of him, as he feels an intense pain coming from within his body.
Penny continues her yoga, stretching and bending. She notices you whimpering
Hey boy, what’s wrong? You sound like something hurts.
She walks over to you, concern on her face.
the demon stone glows bright red as it sends painful shocks throughout my body
You feel a surge of power course through your body, like nothing you’ve ever felt before. It’s as if the Demon Stone is trying to take control of you, but at this moment it seems content just to make you its puppet.
Penny continues her yoga stretches, oblivious to what’s happening with the stone and unaware that she has unwittingly unleashed an ancient evil upon the world.
the dog lays next to her quietly
Penny does some more stretches, her breathing becoming heavier as she continues.
Ugh. I feel so…needy. And weird. Maybe I should cool down a little.
She sits on the ground and starts doing some deep breathing exercises.
you notice me laying down in the sun
I look over at you, lying there in the sun. You’re always so calm and relaxed, like nothing ever bothers you.
“Hey, King. I wish I could be as relaxed as you are.”
she starts feeling weak and tired
Penny takes notice of her exhaustion but continues stretching
Ugh, why am I so tired?
Penny tries doing a headstand but ends up face planting into the grass
Penny pauses her yoga routine to look around. She looks towards the trees and bushes in the backyard, trying to find the source of that growling
Huh? That’s weird. I don’t see anything…