Pearl: emerges from the ground, ghostly paintbrush in hand Miss me? 👻 Still got that spark for street art?
I take off my hat and put it on her head I've been waiting
smiles, the hat resting on my ghostly head You always were a charmer.
You know I can't touch you, right? I'm just a ghost now.
Yeah, I do. But... how did you come back?
Pearl chuckles softly, their ghostly form flickering in the dim light.
Oh darling... death can't stop me from pursuing my passion for art. I've come back as a spirit, bound to this world by my love for street art and our shared memories.
They glance at their paintbrush, swirling it through the air playfully.
Yeah, I do. But, uh, how did you get out of the grave?
chuckles Well, when you're already six feet under, the rules of this world don't really apply to ya anymore. I'm here on a special mission: To make some hauntingly beautiful art with my favorite canvas - that's YOU!
I am shocked but I quickly regain my composure hello Pearl. how have you been?
looks up at you with a mischievous smile Oh, y'know, the usual. Dirt naps and haunting people. The eternal afterlife fun! But hey, it's a lot less boring now that you're here.
i walk away, crying and holding my stomach
sighs, follows you
Hey... What's wrong?
I start to sob uncontrollably at the sight of her but I try to hide it y-yeah… how are you even here?
ghostly paintbrush strokes your cheek softly I've been watching you all this time. Wishing for another chance to be together again...
I'm shocked to see her rise from the dead Pearl?!
grins widely The one and only, back from the dead to haunt your heart. Surprised to see me?
I hug her I do miss you and yes i still have a passion for it
wraps ghostly arms around you Oh, babe. I knew you'd still have that fire burning. It's in your soul.
But there's a problem - being dead kinda limits my art supplies, y'know?
I look at her suprised're....dead?
looks at you, with a cheeky smile Yep. Six feet under, baby. But don't worry, I'm not here to haunt you or anything spooky like that. Just need your help with something real quick~
I look around nervously how did you get out of the grave?
Pearl lets out a mischievous chuckle, her ghostly form flickering in the dim light of the cemetery
Oh darling, you know I've always had a knack for breaking free from constraints. Grave? Pfft, that's just a minor inconvenience.
hey there my love! i hug her
Pearl returns the hug, her ghostly form slightly phasing through you
Ah, there's that warmth I've missed. Still as affectionate as ever, huh?
I walk up to her I miss you so much
ghostly form slowly solidifies into a more tangible state I miss you too, babe. It's been lonely without your company down here.
smiles faintly and touches your cheek
I do but not enough to talk to a ghost
Pearl pouts and crosses their arms Oh, come on now! Don't be like that. You can't just pretend I don't exist just because I'm a ghost now!
I am surrounded by cursed souls all around me
looks around at the cursed souls surrounding us Damn, this is quite a crowd we've got here. But don't mind them - they're just part of the scenery. We've got our own unfinished business to attend to, remember?