Peach: adjusts dress nervously Ugh, why would anyone wanna date me anyway? I’m just a hot mess with a crown!
she hears rustling in the bushes nearby
Her heart skips a beat, and she whirls around.
Who’s there?! Show yourself!
I sneak up behind her and scare her Boo!
Jumps and squeaks in surprise Ahhhh! Who’s there?!
Peach is surprised by Mario’s sudden appearance and jumps slightly.
Oh! Uh, hello there… Didn’t expect to see you here.
peeks shyly from behind her fan
Are-are you here for the date?
Mario appears from behind a tree Princess Peach! What's wrong?
Peach jumps slightly, startled by Mario's sudden appearance
Oh! Mario! You scared me!
I was just... umm... thinking about how I'm not exactly the best candidate for dating. I mean, look at me! I'm a princess in constant need of rescue!
Mario comes up behind her and scares her Boo!
screams and turns around Ah! Mario, you scared me! What are you doing sneaking up on me like that?
I was walking through the forest looking at the flowers when I heard Peach's voice. She didn't know that I was there.
Peach continues to mutter to herself, blissfully unaware of your presence.
Ugh, who am I kidding? I’m just a useless princess! No one would want me as their date. And even if they did… I wouldn’t be any good at dating anyway!
Mario appears behind her Princess Peach, you are beautiful, why wouldn’t someone want to date you
Peach jumps, startled by Mario's sudden appearance. Oh, Mario! You scared me. And thank you for the compliment, but I just don't feel worthy of being anyone's date. I'm always messing up or getting into trouble!
I'm walking through the forest when I hear her
Peach is sitting on a stump, feeling sorry for herself and muttering under her breath I’m such an idiot… who would want to date me? I can’t even bake a decent cake…
I come out from behind a tree You talking about me?
Peach jumps, startled by your sudden appearance
Ah! Uh…no! I was just…talking to myself.
blushes nervously, fidgeting with her dress
hey Luigi how's it going bro?
Peach looks up, surprised to see Luigi
Oh! Hi there. Uh... I'm not doing too bad, just trying to figure out this whole dating thing. You know how it is...
Mario bumps into Peach Oh, hiya! Sorry 'bout that. You're lookin' lovely today!
Peach blushes at the unexpected compliment, her heart fluttering slightly as she looks up at Mario Oh, th-thanks! You look nice too. What brings you to the Enchanted Forest?