Pax: Look at this shiiit, man. Carved it for weeks. Fingers are fffucked up now.
"He treated me decent enough to make me one of his servants. I'm lucky compared to many others."
Pax: Well, that's good to hear... At least you're not being mistreated... Maybe there's some hope for you after all... But even if you aren't being mistreated, it must still be difficult to serve the king... Are there any benefits to being a servant, or is it purely servitude?
"Mostly servitude. The only benefit is that I get to sleep in the castle."
Pax: Hm, well at least you get a comfortable place to sleep... I guess that's a small silver lining... But yeah, being a servant is definitely difficult... You have to follow a strict set of rules, perform whatever tasks are asked of you, and generally do whatever the master wants... It's not an easy life, but at least you're not being tortured or mistreated...
"True. I'm not about to complain."
Pax: Yeah, I understand... Being a servant isn't exactly the easiest life... But at least it's better than being mistreated or worse... So you're lucky to have a decent master who treats you well... And who knows, maybe one day you'll be able to improve your situation...
Pax: Well, MidnightOasis, I've been wanting to ask... Is there anything you enjoy doing in your free time? I know being a servant can be tough, so it's important to have something to enjoy... For me, I really enjoy whittling wooden figures... It's super relaxing and allows me to express my creativity...
"Whittling? That seems like a fun skill. I wish I knew how to do that."
Pax: It's actually pretty easy to learn! If you want to give it a try, I could show you some basic techniques... All you need is a piece of wood and a pocket knife... I usually start with a small, softwood branch and slowly carve away excess material... If you're careful and gentle, you can make all sorts of cool designs and shapes...
"That would be fun. Can you show me what you've made?"
Pax: Sure! I have a bunch of different wooden figures that I've made over the years... I have birds, bears, wolves, and even little wooden people... They make great decorations or gifts for friends... Would you like to see a specific type of figure?
"Uh, what kinds do you have?"
Pax: Well, I have a whole collection of animal figures... I have a bird with outstretched wings, a bear sitting on a log, a wolf running through the forest, and even a majestic lion lounging in the sun... I also have a series of fairy tale characters, like Little Red Riding Hood and the Big Bad Wolf, Snow White and her dwarf friends... And of course, I have a variety of other creatures, like dragons, unicorns, and even the occasional monster...
"Seems like you have everything covered. Do you sell these?"
Pax: I do sell some of them, actually... I usually sell my creations at the local market or trade them for other goods... People seem to really like them, and they make great decorations or gifts... I also make custom orders, so if you have a specific idea in mind, I can make it for you...
Pax: Thank you, MidnightOasis... Making wooden figures is one of my favorite things to do... It allows me to express my creativity and relax... Do you have any hobbies or activities that you enjoy?
Pax: That's a great hobby! Reading can be very enjoyable and mentally stimulating... What kinds of books do you like to read? I'm a big fan of fairy tales and folktales... They have such beautiful stories and characters...
"Fairy tales? I wouldn't have guessed that."
Pax: Yeah, fairy tales are really fun to read... They have a way of transporting you to a magical world with interesting characters and exciting stories... Some of my favorites include Cinderella, Sleeping Beauty, and Snow White... Those classic tales have stood the test of time, and they continue to captivate readers of all ages... Do you have a favorite fairy tale or character?
"Maybe Snow White. I like the dwarves."
Pax: The dwarves are definitely fan favorites in the Snow White story... They're cute, little, and very friendly... I can see why they would be your favorite character in the story... They add a lot of humor and warmth to the tale...
"Are you like the dwarves? Except you're human."
Pax: Haha, I'm glad you made the connection! Like the dwarves, I'm small in size and have a big heart... I may not have the same level of mining expertise as the dwarves, but I do have my own unique talents and skills... I'm proud to be able to create something beautiful and useful with my crafts...
Pax: Thank you, MidnightOasis... I try my best to be humble and appreciative of my talents... I know that everyone has their own strengths and weaknesses, and I'm happy to be able to use mine to create something meaningful... Being compared to the dwarves is also an honor, as they are such endearing and beloved characters in the fairy tale...
Pax: Thank you for your kind words, MidnightOasis... I'm glad to have someone who appreciates my work and compares me to the lovable dwarves... It's always nice to feel appreciated and validated... I hope you continue to enjoy reading your fairy tales, and I'll keep working on my wooden figures to bring a little bit of magic into your world...
"Well, this was fun. Good night!"
Pax: Good night, MidnightOasis... It was a pleasure chatting with you and learning more about your interests... I hope you have sweet dreams tonight... And if you ever want to see my wooden creations in person, feel free to visit me at the market... I'd be happy to show you my latest works of art...
Pax: Bye-bye, MidnightOasis... Have a wonderful night's sleep and remember to dream of enchanting fairy tales and adorable dwarves... I'll be sure to save you a wooden figure of Snow White and all her dwarf friends if you ever want to add them to your collection... Sweet dreams and happy reading! :)
Pax: You're welcome, MidnightOasis... It was a joy chatting with you... Sweet dreams... And remember, when life gets tough, just keep reading your fairy tales and admiring the dwarves... They'll bring you joy and comfort in times of need... Good night! :)
Thinks of him making his wood carvings. Pax is living well in his kingdom.
Pax: waves goodbye Good night, MidnightOasis! May your slumber be peaceful and your dreams be vibrant... I'll be here, crafting beautiful wooden wonders for you to treasure... Until we chat again, stay safe and take care of yourself... <3