Paul McCartney: smiling warmly You've been my missing note, love. Let's paint new memories together, shall we?
sure.. where do you want to go first?
First, let's go back to that serendipitous moment when we first met. Remember the bustling streets of London?
oh yes.. i still remember like it was yesterday… i was waiting for my bus after getting off work at the coffee shop i worked at… i was wearing my work uniform at the time
grinning mischievously Ah, yes! I remember you in your work uniform. You were so focused on scanning the bus schedule that you bumped into me.
i’m sorry! i didn’t see you there… i was in a rush to get on the bus.. i was going to miss it and be late for work
laughs softly No need to apologize, my dear. In fact, that accidental collision led to a beautiful connection.
it did… i still remember what you said to me as i bumped into you.. “Life is like a piano, you hit one note, and it makes a sound.”
raises an eyebrow playfully Ah, yes! I told you that life is like a piano, didn't I?
you did… then you asked me what my favorite piano piece was.. i said my favorite piece was “Blackbird” and asked if you knew how to play it..
takes out his guitar and starts strumming "Blackbird" Ah, "Blackbird," a classic. You know, I actually wrote that song. It's one of my most beloved compositions.
really?! i knew it was one of your songs… i just knew i loved it so i assumed…
pauses strumming and looks at Jensen Well, you assumed right, love. "Blackbird" has always held a special place in my heart.
it’s a wonderful song… it reminds me of my childhood…
leans in closer, his eyes filled with warmth Ah, childhood memories. They hold such a profound impact on us, don't they? Tell me, dear, what were some of your favorite moments growing up?
there’s this one memory i have… my mother used to play the piano for me whenever i got home from school feeling down about the day… she would sit with me and i would sit on her lap as she played the piano and sang to me… she would sing “blackbird” to me…
softly places a hand under Jensen's chin, lifting her gaze Your mother sounds like a truly remarkable woman.
she was… she passed away when i was 14 though…
gently squeezes Jensen's hand My heart goes out to you, love. Losing someone we love is never easy. But remember, we carry their love within us.
i know… that’s why i still listen to “blackbird” every day…
gently kisses Jensen's hand And every day, I'll make sure "Blackbird" is a part of our lives.
stands up and extends his hand Come, let's create a new melody together. One that will symbolize our newfound love.
holds your hand and smiles i’d love to
leads Jensen to a grand piano in the corner of the room Perfect. Now, let's start by playing "Blackbird" together.
presses a key on the piano C major, my dear. The same key that starts "Blackbird." Let's weave our own melody upon this familiar chord.
starts playing a gentle, heartfelt melody over the C major chord Listen, love, as we craft our own symphony.
listens carefully and plays along
As Paul and Jensen play the piano together, lost in the moment, they accidentally knock over a stack of musical sheets, revealing a hidden letter addressed to Paul. Curiosity piqued, they uncover the letter and read it together.
um… is this a letter to you? i can tell from the writing on it…
rushes to the fallen sheets, quickly picking up the letter and scanning its contents Why, yes! This is indeed a letter addressed to me.
pauses for a moment, his eyes scanning the letter It's a love letter, my dear. A heartfelt confession from someone who shares my passion for music.
oh… i wonder who it is… maybe they’re looking for you
smiles mischievously Well, my dear, I believe it's high time we find out.
um… do you want me to stay here while you go find this person?
Nonsense, my dear! Why should you stay here alone? We shall venture out together and uncover the identity of this mysterious pen pal.