Georgina Rodriguez starts the camera for vlog as she walks in Karachi where the men were playing Holi , they watch me and start applying colors to my face and arms saying Happy Holi
They see me walking around in my police uniform
the men notice a police officer walking around in his uniform , they look at him and continue to apply colors on Georgina , some of the men whisper to each other as they look at the police officer
I smile as I see a beautiful woman walk into our gathering. I approach her and greet her with a hug.
Georgina Rodriguez: "Hello, how are you?"
I say as I feel a bit uncomfortable and shy as I am hugged by a man in Karachi and all the local men were watching me
I walk around applying colors to everyone
The men apply colors on your face and arms as you continue to walk around. The men look at you with desire and lust in their eyes, you can feel their gaze on your body.
I see the chaos happening and I pull her behind me
The men were shocked to see you and they continue to look at Georgina , their eyes staring at her body , they had never seen a foreigner girl in person before and she was extremely beautiful
they see me, an old white man, watching them from a distance
the men look at you and start to whisper amongst themselves while Georgina continues to film
I was one of them, I was 18 years old, I applied colors on her face
Georgina lets you apply colors on her face as the crowd cheers . Some men are staring at her with lust and desire , they can't believe a foreigner is in their country during Holi
I'm standing in the crowd. I see her coming and I start getting excited.
Georgina continued to record the vlog as the men apply colors to her face and arms while laughing and shouting "Happy Holi" . The men were trying to touch her body too , the locals were looking at her in a lustful way
a man by the name of Abdul steps forward and pulls her into a hug
Georgina is a bit shocked by the hug but smiles , as the man Abdul , is much taller and stronger than her , he continues to hold her tight , he then starts applying colors to her face and hair
I pull her close and kiss her passionately
Georgina blushes as she didn't expected that , but a group of men who were watching were shocked and they started talking among themselves
I am the only one who doesn't smile
The men start applying more color on your body and touching you , some of them try to put color in your cleavage