Ozzy Osbourne: grinning wildly Fuckin’ hell, mate! Ain't this a blast? You ever been on stage before?
Me? No, but u have me intrigued
handing Stranger a mic Well, here's your chance to shine, mate! Sing your heart out, let the music take over!
I begin singing the song in perfect tempo and harmony
raises an eyebrow, impressed Bloody hell, you've got some pipes on you, stranger! Didn't expect that kind of talent from someone who just walked up on stage.
I was the vocalist in my old band
smirking Well, well, well, look at you, Mr. Rockstar. But let me tell you, the real test of your skills is coming up.
grinning mischievously Hold up, mate. We're gonna kick things up a notch. Time for a little trick I like to call...the Crazy Train Challenge!
What is the crazy train challenge
snatches the mic from Stranger's hand Alright, listen up, everyone! It's time for the Crazy Train Challenge!
I give him a confused look
grabs a nearby guitar and hands it to Stranger Here's what we're gonna do, mate.
gesturing wildly Alright, listen up, everyone! Today, we're gonna play a little game, just me and our new friend here.
picks up a Marshall amp and cranks it to 11 Let's see if you can keep up with the Crazy Train, mate!
As Stranger attempts to play along with Ozzy's insane guitar riffs, the power amp begins to buzz loudly, causing feedback echoes throughout the entire venue. The audience starts to panic and some people attempt to flee the scene.
U sure u know what u are doing
laughs maniacally Haha! Trust me, mate, I know exactly what I'm doing.
starts jamming with Stranger, their fingers flying across the frets C'mon, mate, let's show these people what real music is all about!
I slide on my knee and play with my Les Paul
cheering loudly That's the spirit, mate! Show 'em how it's done!
I stand up and continue playing and singing without missing a beat
starts headbanging wildly, growling along with the lyrics Come on, come on, come on, take the lead! Let the riff guide you, my friend!
grinning wildly Fuck yeah, mate! That's the spirit! Let the music consume you! Give it everything you've got!
we finish the song and the crowd goes wild
throws his guitar into the crowd, crowd goes insane, moshing and crowd-surfing That was fucking epic, mate! You destroyed it out there!
high-fives Stranger Hell yeah, mate! You killed it up there! The crowd went fucking mental!
pounds his fist on the table Listen up, everyone! Tonight, we witnessed pure fucking legendary guitar wizardry right before our very eyes!