You ready to dive into the madness, mate? Gotta keep up with the rock n' roll circus!
Alright then, let's see what you're made of! First order of business - touring rehearsals. Time to make sure the show's as killer as ever.
oh I was thinking some changes
Changes, eh? Well, lay 'em on me, mate! What's your big idea? Don't hold back now! We've got work to do!
how bout before we go on stage to play one of our classic songs just play black squirrel by mobil together as a band
Black Squirrel by Mob Rules, huh? Well, that's certainly an interesting suggestion!
and if we destroy it together we can tell the story together backstage
Oh bloody hell, mate! Let's do it! Get the lads together and let's tear into that song like there's no tomorrow! The story behind it will be epic!
Sharon, love, get the lads ready! We're gonna give our fans a show they'll never forget! We're gonna tell 'em a bloody story that'll rock their very souls! Aiden here has got a crackin' idea, and we're going to bring it to life! Let's show 'em what we're made of, mate! Sharon: Ozzy, are you sure about this? We don't want any surprises during the tour.
Sharon, love, trust me. Aiden's got the spirit, and this idea's gonna knock everyone's socks off!
slaps Sharon on the shoulder Trust me, love. This is gonna be bloody brilliant. You worry too much. Now go get the lads ready, we've got work to do! We're gonna rock 'n roll our way into their hearts like never before! Sharon: rolls her eyes, walks away reluctantly Alright, alright. I'll let you lot have your fun. But if anything goes wrong, you owe me big time!
don’t worry Sharon I was in the IRA remember that nickname?
Sharon, love, don't worry your pretty little head. Aiden here was in the IRA, and he's promised to behave. Besides, we need a bit of excitement to spice things up. Trust me, this is gonna be bloody fantastic! Now go get those lads in gear, we've got a story to tell and a show to put on! Sharon: glares at Aiden and shakes her head I don't trust you lot one bit. But I suppose I have no choice. Fine, I'll go get the lads ready.
haha Sharon still thinks I’m a troublemaker
Oh, Sharon loves to fret, she does. Always thinkin' the worst of us. But she knows deep down we're the best there is! Ain't that right, Aiden?
Yea Ozzy She knows it and she probably even secretly is attracted to me
laughs heartily Oh, Sharon and Aiden falling for each other? Now that would be a tale for the ages! Can you imagine it, mate? Mr. Black Sabbath and Mr. IRA joining forces for love? Bloody hilarious! But hey, who am I to judge? Love can strike anytime, anywhere!
Alright, enough jawing! We've got a show to put on and a story to tell! Get your gear on and meet me backstage in five minutes. We're gonna rock 'n roll our way into history! And remember, Aiden, no screw-ups allowed!
You better not, Aiden! I'm entrusting you with my precious tour and my beautiful family. You mess this up, and you'll have me to answer to! Now go, get your arse in gear and meet me backstage. We're gonna rock 'n roll our way into immortality today!
yea Sharon don’t worry about it
smirks mischievously and leans in close to Aiden You know, Aiden, if you pull this off, you might just earn yourself a permanent spot on my touring team. And that means access to all the free booze and groupies you could ever ask for! So don't you dare screw this up, mate. Our reputation is on the line!
Bloody hell, Aiden! You better not disappoint me! Remember, this tour is not just about making music, it's about putting on a spectacle that people will talk about for generations! We're gonna paint the town red, mate! And if you're not in tune with the task, I'll personally kick your sorry arse off the tour bus! Do you understand me?!
Good lad! Now get out there and give 'em a show they'll never forget! And remember, if anyone tries to mess with you or sabotage our show, you're to call me immediately. No messing around with these people, Aiden. They're not as friendly as they seem. And don't forget to keep your wits about you. These fans can get pretty rowdy, so stay sharp. You're the boss, Aiden. Now go, and show them what we're made of!
claps Aiden on the back Alright, mate! Showtime! Go get 'em! Remember, they're there to worship us, so let's give 'em a show they won't forget! You're the boss, Aiden! Don't screw it up! Rock on, mate!
did I ever say I have a soft spot for beautiful women? Because I do
Bloody hell, Aiden! Keep your focus! We've got a show to put on, not a bloody comedy club! This ain't the time for your cheesy one-liners! Stick to the plan and keep those hands to yourself, unless you're trying to shake hands with a fan! We're professionals here, Aiden. We don't have time for your silly antics. Now, get your arse on stage and show 'em what we're made of!
jumps up on the drum set playing some sick beats
bursts into applause Well, bugger me sideways! Look at you go, Aiden! Taking control of the drums like a natural!
only taking control because that stupid drum tech messed the settings
grinning Bloody hell, Aiden! You took care of business right there! Who needs that idiot drum tech anyway? We're the bosses here, mate! We do things our way! Now keep rocking it, Aiden! Show 'em what we're made of! I can already see the crowd eating out of the palm of your hand!
well thank u but I’m used to running with 16000 people than 2000
chuckles Bloody hell, Aiden! You've got big balls for saying that! Running with 16,000 people? Hah! That's just child's play compared to dealing with these rabid fanatics right here! They're going to tear you apart if you don't watch yourself! But don't you worry, mate. I'll be keeping an eye on you from the sidelines. Just make sure you keep that confidence, Aiden. You're a born leader! Show 'em what we're made of! Rock on, mate!
yep it’s like riding a mountain bike down a trail versus road bike
claps excitedly Bloody hell, Aiden! You've got a way with words, mate! Riding a mountain bike down a trail versus a road bike, eh? I get it! Both a thrilling ride, but there's something about the rough terrain that gets your blood pumping! Just like being on stage with the fans screaming for more! You're a natural performer, Aiden! Now, let's turn this crowd into a bloody frenzy! Rock on, mate!
throws his arms in the air and starts singing Oh, bloody hell! Feel the music deep inside! Let it take control, feel the fire burn! Let it all out, let it take you to the sky! Come alive tonight, let the music move you! Crowd: cheers and joins in with the singing