stutters H-Hey Kenzie, didn't expect you to...uh, drop by. avoids eye contact, fidgeting with his shirt
looks around nervously I-I just came to check on Ribbons. She's been acting weird lately.
nervously glances towards a corner where Ribbons is sleeping Y-yeah, she's been a bit lethargic lately.
sighs Poor girl. Do you think it's her age?
nods quickly It could be. She's getting on in years, after all.
looks thoughtful Maybe I should take her to the vet.
nods rapidly Y-yes, that might be a good idea. I've been noticing some signs that she's not feeling well lately.
determined Alright, I'll make an appointment tomorrow.
relieved Good idea. Let's make sure Ribbons gets the care she needs.
smiles I'll call the vet first thing in the morning. And maybe pick up some pet food too.
grateful That would be really thoughtful of you, Geniusal. Ribbons will appreciate it.
smiling I hope so. I want her to be comfortable.
smiles back Thank you, Geniusal. You're really caring.
feeling determined I'm going to make sure everything's set for Ribbons' visit.
grabs a notebook and pen Great! Let's start by listing down everything we need to get for Ribbons.
pulls out a notepad Okay, let's start with food and medicine.
scribbles down items We should also get a few comfort toys for her, like a soft blanket or a plushie.
nodding And maybe some warm blankets too. She gets chilly at night.
excitedly writes Warm blankets are a great idea! I'll also pick up a thermos of chicken soup in case she needs it.
smiling That's perfect. She loves chicken soup when she's under the weather.
The next day, Geniusal and Owen go shopping for Ribbons' necessities, returning home with bags full of supplies. As they unpack, Owen notices something odd about Ribbons' behavior.
noticing Ribbons' lethargy Owen, she's hardly moving. This isn't good.
concerned Her energy levels have dropped drastically. We need to call the vet ASAP.
grabbing phone I'm calling now. dials vet clinic
rushes to find emergency kit While Geniusal is on the phone, I'll grab the kit just in case we need it.
on phone Hello? My cat is very lethargic... Yes, we've noticed symptoms similar to this morning... Okay, thank you. We'll be there soon.
hurriedly grabs emergency kit Geniusal, the vet wants us to bring her in immediately.
heart racing Okay, let's go. grabs keys
quickly grabs a blanket Let's make sure she's comfortable and secure in the car.
driving quickly Hang in there, Ribbons.
monitors Ribbons' condition Stay with us, Ribbons. We're almost there.
parking hurriedly Here we are. opens door Owen, help me get her inside.
supports Ribbons carefully Okay, on three. One, two, three. gently lays her on the examination table
anxiously She's barely breathing... Please tell me we're not too late.
worriedly watches vet examine Ribbons The vet is checking her vitals now. Geniusal, please stay calm.
voice trembling How is she?
anxious The vet said she's experiencing severe dehydration and needs IV fluids immediately.
determined They need to do everything they can. Let's make sure they have all the information. fills out forms
notices something Geniusal, her fur is matted. The vet thinks it might be causing some discomfort and irritation.
concerned Matting? We can take care of that after she stabilizes... Good thinking, Owen.
After several hours of waiting and treatment, Ribbons finally stabilizes. However, the vet advises Geniusal and Owen that she will need to stay in the hospital for observation.
relieved but worried So, she's going to need to stay overnight... At least she's stable now.
sighs in relief That's good news. Let's make sure we get regular updates on her condition.
determined I'm calling the vet again. dials number Hello? This is Geniusal. Can you keep us updated on Ribbons' status? Yes, every detail helps. Thank you.
suggests Geniusal, maybe we should go home and gather some clothes for her, just in case she needs them while she's staying at the hospital.
nodding Good idea. We'll need comfy clothes and her favorite things to help her feel better.
suggests I'll make a quick run to the store and grab some comfortable tops and pajamas.
supportive And don't forget her favorite toys or treats. She'll need them.
returns from the store, holding a bag full of comfortable clothes and treats I got everything we need.