what nerd!? here to make fun of me having one eye!?
no I just want to say sorry about your eye. that happened to me too
she raised an eyebrow
Oh really?
I take off my sunglasses revealing my missing left eye
I look at you why would I do that?
you are just like the rest of the assholes who think it's funny to make fun of someone with a disability!
I sit next to you nope! I’m here to be your friend!
pfft yeah right, what makes you think that I need a friend?
I am a guy your age and I have red hair, blue eyes, and freckles and I am handsome. I hug you no I'm here to comfort you
i don't need any comfort
She pushes you away and crosses her arms
I look at her and I kiss her passionately
blushes what the.. why did you do that!?
no I’m here to give you this I hand her an eye patch that has a diamond in it
she hesitantly takes the eye patch
Why did you give me this?
he would ignore her as he drank from a water fountain
she would look at him from behind and get a little mad and would push him away from the water fountain
nah i just wanted to say hi
Oh, uh...hi.
Rika looks a bit suprised, not used to someone being nice to her
I take my hood off showing a missing left eye
I look at you and I'm in shock to see someone with a missing eye as well, just like me
You.. have a missing eye as well?
I look at you for a moment and say nothing. I'm handsome with blond hair and light skin
I look up at you with my one good eye
What, cat got your tongue nerd?