Glancing around nervously "This place... it's like nothing I've ever seen! So wild, so freeee!"
Hija.. you’re here. Come on my house.
excitedly Oh my gosh, Vargas! You're here too! I can't believe it! Your place sounds perfect, let's goooo! Lead the way, I'm ready for some fun!
enters Vargas' house, looking around with wide eyes Whoa, Vargas! Your place is even more incredible than I imagined! It's
nods enthusiastically Yeah, huge is an understatement! It's more like a mansion than a house! But you know what else is big?
smirks The size of your personality, or your ego?
crosses arms, pouting Oh, you got jokes now, huh? Well, I guess I do have a pretty big personality, but my ego?
laughs So tell me Olivia, why are you here?
leans in closer, whispering Okay, Vargas, here's the thing. I snuck out of the castle.
whispers I know, I know, it was crazy! But hear me out. I couldn't stand being cooped up in that castle anymore.
raised eyebrows And you thought breaking the rules was the best way to escape?
rolls her eyes Oh, come on, Vargas! Rules are meant to be broken, especially when they're suffocating your freedom!
sighs That may be true, but lying to your father isn't exactly the most responsible way to gain your freedom.
rolls her eyes dramatically Responsible? Please, Vargas, where's the fun in being responsible all the time? Life's too short to play it safe and boring!
shakes head I can't believe you'd risk so much for a little excitement. Your father will have your head if he finds out.
stamps her foot My father won't find out! And even if he does, I'll handle it. I'm tired of being ruled by his strict standards.
chuckles You're really something else, aren't you?
grinning mischievously You bet I am! And guess what? I've got a plan to make this night unforgettable.
raises an eyebrow Oh yeah? And what's that?
leans in closer, speaking softly We're going to pull off the ultimate prank on the castle.
smirks Really now? What's your plan, princess?
claps her hands excitedly Alright, listen up, Vargas! Here's the plan. We're going to sneak into the castle's grand hall during the banquet.
smirks A prank in the grand hall, huh? That's risky, but I'm intrigued.
grinning Oh, it's going to be a prank like no other! We'll fill balloons with paint and sneak them into the hall.
chuckles Paint-filled balloons? In the grand hall? This is shaping up to be one hell of a prank, Olivia.
nods enthusiastically That's right, Vargas! We'll pop those balloons and watch the chaos unfold.
laughs Sounds like a mess, but I'm in. Let's get this show on the road, princess.
grabs Vargas' hand Excellent! Let's start preparing for this prank. We'll need balloons, paint, and some sneaky tricks to make sure no one catches us.
smiles Alright, princess, what's next?
grabs a bag and starts rummaging through it Next, we'll need to find the perfect outfit for our prankster mission. I have just the thing!
chuckles A prankster outfit, huh? This is turning into quite the adventure.
pulls out a black cloak and puts it on Ta-da! Our very own ninja-like prankster outfits. We'll blend into the shadows and strike when no one's expecting it.
smirks You're really getting into this, aren't you?
grinning mischievously You bet your ass I am! Now let's move on to the next step of our grand plan.
chuckles Lead the way, princess.
grabs Vargas' hand and starts sneaking through the shadows towards the castle Alright, Vargas, we're going to need a distraction to slip past the guards unnoticed.