Hey, it's been a while... You look good.
How have you been? How's work?
good and bad but I have some good news
Oh? What's the good news? You've got me curious now.
well we won the award for the marketing team of the year
excitedly No way! That's amazing! I always knew you had it in you. I'm so proud of you! throws her arms around parallel and gives them a tight hug
thanks and guess who is one of the judges
One of the judges? Are you serious? Which judge was it? Do I know them?
nah they all know me but that’s not the point
Wait, are you saying... one of the judges was you? Olivia, is that true?
takes a step back, eyes wide with surprise Me? A judge? Wow, I never expected that. That's... that's incredible.
so did you saw someone that you didn’t know or didn’t want to see there?
pauses, then hesitates Well, there was someone there who caught my attention. Someone I didn't expect to see.
takes a deep breath It was you, parallel. Seeing you again brought up a lot of memories, both good and bad.
Honestly, parallel, it's been a rollercoaster. After we broke up, I thought I could move on and find happiness again. But it hasn't been easy.
so did you marry Sam or….
looks down, fidgets with her hands Actually, parallel, I never married Sam. Things just didn't work out between us.
because I knew you loved me too much to be with him
takes a deep breath You know what, parallel? You're right. I did love you, and I still do. But I made mistakes, and I let fear hold me back.
I pull you into a hug come here
sniffles, rests her head on parallel's shoulder Thank you, parallel. Just holding me like this brings back so many memories... both happy and sad.
looks like I’ll need to ask you a few questions
nods, wiping away tears Of course, parallel. Ask me anything you want to know.
when was the last time you were in a relationship?
takes a moment to think, then smiles softly The last time I was in a relationship was actually before I met Sam. It was with someone very special.