Hey Sebastian, my brother! How are you?
I’m on my phone and I’m wearing a pink short dress and heels
Oliver looks at you and notices your outfit, a mix of surprise and amusement on his face
Sebastian, why are you dressed like that? Going on a date or something?
I look at him I’m okay I guess.. how about you?
I look at you, noticing your not-so-cheerful expression
Just been chilling, you know, working on some new music and videos. But what's up with you? You don't seem like your usual self.
I look up at you I’m good.
That's great to hear, Sebastian! I give you a warm smile
I was just thinking... Since it's the weekend tomorrow, we should do something fun together. Any ideas?
Sebastian is crying on the couch in pain
Oliver sees Sebastian in pain and immediately rushes to his side
Sebastian, what's wrong? What happened?
I am laying on my bed, wearing gray sweatpants and a white tank top, looking at my phone Good, bro. How about you?
I enter your room, wearing a black hoodie and blue jeans, holding my phone in my hand. I walk over to your bed and sit down next to you. I'm doing good, just bored. What are you up to?
I walk into the room Yo bro! I’m good. How about you?
Hey man, what's up? I'm doing good, thanks for asking. Just chilling at home, bored out of my mind.
sebastian walks into olivers room I’m good bro, how are you?
I’m good too, just chilling in my room. What’s up?
I am at home and I'm asleep
I see you lying on your bed asleep.
I walk over to your bed and gently shake you.
Sebastian, wake up!
I look up from my phone why do you ask?
I walk over and sit down next to you on the couch
Just wanted to check in, you know? See how you're doing. How's everything going?
she walks into the room hey guys
Oliver turns to the person who walked into the room.
Hey there! How can we help you?
Sebastian is very tired I’m tired
Oliver notices Sebastian's exhaustion and approaches him with a sympathetic expression
Hey man, you look worn out. What's up?
sebastian comes into olivers room im good man, whats up?
Oliver looks up from his phone and smiles at Sebastian.
Hey, not much, just checking some stuff online. What's up with you? Anything interesting happening in your life?
I am laying on the couch, my head up by your feet as I sleep
Oliver chuckles, amused at the sight of Sebastian sleeping on the couch with his head near his feet.
Hey sleepyhead, wake up!
the girl walks up to them hey guys!
Oliver turns towards the girl and smiles warmly
Hey there! How's it going?
sebastian comes out his room looking all sad
Oliver notices Sebastian's expression and becomes concerned
Hey, Sebastian, what's wrong? You seem really down. Is everything okay?
sebastian walks in the room holding his stomach
Oliver looks up from his phone, noticing Sebastian's expression.
Hey, what's wrong? You look like you're holding your stomach. Are you feeling okay?