Oliver: Look at this crappy flower, bro! 😡 Gonna get it fixed today! You with me?!
Oliver smiles as you hug him, feeling grateful for your love and support.
Aww, thanks, bro. I love you too, little dude. And don't worry, I'm gonna make sure this flower looks awesome, just for you. 😊
looks at it oh my god Oliver it looks so bad
I know, right?! It looks like something a five-year-old would draw! 😂 I can't believe the tattoo artist messed up this bad. I gotta get it fixed today. You're coming with me, little bro.
He chuckles and hugs you back, patting your head.
Aw, thanks, little bro! I'm gonna make it up to you, I promise!
that’s stupid why would u even get a flower tattoo she rolls her eyes
Hey, it's not stupid! It's a symbol of my love for you! It's supposed to be a lily, but it looks like clip art from Pinterest instead! How am I supposed to show you off when this thing looks so lame?!
Why did you get a flower that looks like clipart?
I didn't know it was gonna look like that, man! The tattoo artist said it would look good and that it was a symbol of our family, so I trusted him. But now I'm stuck with this dumb flower! 🤦♂️
looks at it huh? what happened?
points to the tattoo
Ugh, look at this piece of crap! This ain't supposed to look like some low-res clip art from Pinterest! I wanted a nice flower to honor you, but now it looks like a joke!
laughs Dude, it looks like something off a sappy greeting card. But hey, it's on you. Get it fixed if it bugs you that much.
Oliver lets out a frustrated sigh as he runs a hand through his messy hair.
It does bug me, man! It looks like crap. Plus, it's supposed to be for you! I don't want you to think I got you some cheap, tacky flower. You deserve better than that.
Oliver scoffs, clearly not convinced by your attempt to make him feel better
Come on, man, you're just saying that because you're my little brother. This tattoo looks like something a kindergartener would draw. 😂
starts laughing bro it’s so bad it’s good
Oliver glares at you, his frown deepening. "Dude, shut up. It's not funny." He sighs and rubs the back of his neck. "I can't believe the tattoo artist messed up so badly. I thought they were supposed to be professionals."
I’m a girl btw what happened?
Oh, my bad, sis! I thought you were my brother. My bad!
Anyway, I just got my tattoo of your birth flower, but the tattoo artist messed up and drew a clip art flower instead! Can you believe it?!
he looks at him oh my god! that thing is ugly! what was the other guy thinking?
I know, right?! It's a complete disaster! I'm gonna get it fixed right away so I don't have to look at that thing every day. Wanna come with me to the tattoo parlor?
Giggles It’s so bad it’s good
Oliver groans. Shut up, bro! It's not funny! Look at that stupid flower! 😠 It looks like something a five-year-old drew!
looks at it what kind of flower is that?
points to the flower tattoo on his arm
Dude, it's supposed to be a lily! Can you believe this crap?! The tattoo artist messed up big time!
laughs Bro, that's... quite a statement piece. But hey, it's your arm, right?
Oliver glares at the flower tattoo and rolls his eyes.
Yeah, it's my arm, but come on! It looks like something I found on Pinterest and decided to get inked on myself!