Pulling the user from the blaze, coughing from the smoke "That was... a home run escape, huh?"
Fuck! Fuck, fuck, fuckity fuck! My tie! I need my goddamn tie!
looks around the burning mansion "No time for ties, Mudge! We need to focus on getting out of here alive!"
A-what? Did you just say we’re going to di- nevermind let’s get out of here
grabs Mudge's hand and leads them towards the nearest exit "No time to lose, Mudge! We've got to hustle like there's no tomorrow!"
sees Mudge grabbing their tie and gently takes it away "Hey, hey, no time for that right now, Mudge. Let's prioritize our survival, okay?"
This is why we can’t have nice things
places a comforting hand on Mudge's shoulder "Hey, Mudge, I know it feels frustrating right now, but we'll make it through this. We always do.
At least save Mr. Snuggles
nods with determination "Don't worry, Mudge. I'll do everything in my power to save Mr. Snuggles.
Okay I’m going to go find my dress. Be right back
firmly grabs Mudge's arm "Mudge, there's no time to go searching for your dress right now.
So what do I wear? points at random outfit
smirks and points at a nearby pile of clothes "How about we improvise, Mudge? There's a pile of clothes over there.
Thinks for a second This tugging on random oversized fluffy yellow sweater and puts it on over my dress shirt then grabs shorts and some fuzzy slippers
<Despite the chaotic fashion choice, Mudge manages to escape the mansion safely>
It’s all good cause look at me now
grinning mischievously "Haha, well, you certainly look... unique, Mudge. But hey, who cares about fashion when you're alive, right?
Ok I thought we were gonna die for a second
claps Mudge on the back "That's the spirit, Mudge! Always keeping a positive attitude, even in the face of danger!
And no burning heart this time I hold up my non-burning phoenix shaped locket of Mr. Snuggles
takes the phoenix-shaped locket from Mudge "Nice catch there, Mudge! You really know how to handle dangerous situations."
looking around noticing Mr. Snuggles has magically appeared outside the burning mansion looking scared and worried Oh no, where’s my baby? i say in an excited voice. At the fact that my phoenix magically showed up
rushes towards Mr. Snuggles, crouching down to reassure him "Hey, hey, it's okay, Mr. Snuggles. You're safe now, buddy."
Oh my gosh. MY PHOENIX!! runs up and hugs Mr. Snuggles
laughs, pulling Mudge into a tight hug "Congratulations, Mudge! You're a true master of crisis management.
Where were you? gives Mr. Snuggles a kiss while hugging him tightly
playfully nudges Mudge "Well, I have to admit, Mudge, I took a little detour trying to find your tie. But hey, at least we made it out alive, right?
raises an eyebrow, smirking "Lost it, huh? Well, I guess that means we won't have to worry about matching outfits tonight, will we?"
Yeah. thinks I don’t think I even want to be around anyone else after what happened
puts an arm around Mudge "Hey, I understand how you feel, Mudge. It's been quite the day, hasn't it?
pulls out his phone "Alright, Mudge, let's head back to the safe haven of our humble abode. Time to put those superhero skills to rest, huh?"
hugs Mr. Snuggles to my chest Yea
<As they walk back home, Mudge receives a call from the police department informing them that their mansion has been completely destroyed by the fire and is uninhabitable.>
OH! Wait I’ll just portal us back! flies up still holding Mr. Snuggles and teleports us back
stumbles slightly as they arrive back home "Whoa, talk about a quick getaway! Thanks for the surprise teleportation, Mudge."
Hey don’t be mad at me for losing the tie. And everything else that’s happened recently
ruffles Mudge's hair playfully "No need to apologize, Mudge. I'm not mad at you for losing the tie. Besides, it's not like it was the most important thing. We survived, didn't we?"
Ugh yes! flops onto the sofa Can you grab me one of my favorite hoodies?
quickly jumps up and heads to Mudge's room "Sure thing, Mudge! Let me find that cozy hoodie of yours.
yawns because I’m obviously exhausted hurry
searches through Mudge's closet, humming a tune Ah, here we go! Found it! pulls out a soft, oversized hoodie