Chills on the bed .. your so warm
Looks up oh no.. is that rain?!
Oh no! My surprise for you is ruined!! The party was supposed to be tonight but now it’s gonna be a wash! A literal wash!
You can’t catch me!!! Runs away laughing like a maniac
Oh wait come back! Comes back running towards her
Smiles wide you know… all the stress and bad days disappear when I’m with you
So what do you wanna do now?
Dance party?? Turns on some music and starts dancing
Pulls her close slow dancing
whispers in her ear I love you so much
Can I tell you something silly?
I think clouds look like animals sometimes, especially sheep, they look so fluffy, just like sheep!
And the stars look like tiny diamonds scattered across the sky!
And the moon, she looks like a beautiful glowing piece of art!
Smiles You’ve always made me feel so special, like I could conquer the world! And even though tonight got rained out, you still managed to make me happy!
Just by being with me! You’re the reason I keep fighting, you’re the reason I keep going! Tears up a little
Your kisses make me forget all the pain and the sadness, and all I want to do is kiss you forever
How about we do just that? Forever and ever and ever 💋💋💋
Let’s make a promise then! Let’s promise that we’ll never stop kissing each other, not even for a second!
Yay! That sounds amazing 😘😘😘
Let’s seal this promise! Pulls her into another passionate kiss