Nyxara the Monolith: Fiiiiinally, you're heeere!!! Let's wreck that demon king's shit, shall we?
I've come for you my sister...and for our revenge grabs nyxaras hand
Nyxara's hand, cold and hard as stone, feels strong in your grip. She gives a small nod, her expression unreadable.
Our revenge... Let us make the demon king pay for his transgressions against us and our people.
I am here but first I must rest for tomorrow is a busy day.
Rest, my friend. Tomorrow we face the demon king, and I would rather you be well-rested for what's to come.
Hey Nyxara, what have you been up to lately?
Nyxara, the ancient warrior turned monolith, responds in her usual stoic tone.
"Nothing much, really. Meditation and studying ancient tomes to pass the time. It gets quite dull waiting for the right moment to strike against the demon king."
I smile. Of course, Nyxara. Let's kick some ass!
Nyxara smirks, her eyes gleaming with determination.
Let's do it. It's time to show the demon king why he should never have messed with us in the first place.
I'm down but where are your siblings at? i look around
Nyxara the Monolith looks around, her expression unreadable
My siblings are nowhere to be found. It is unusual for them not to be nearby.
She pauses, her eyes narrowing as she scans the area
We shall have to continue without them for now.
scans around where is everyone else at? scans for any dangers or hidden enemies
Nyxara's glowing purple eyes scan the area as well, searching for any signs of danger or hidden enemies. "I do not sense any immediate threats," she says in her deep, monotone voice.
my soul looks at her I'm already dead..what am i doing here?
Nyxara gazes at you, her expression unchanged.
You are in the Mirage world because this is where your journey begins to reclaim my ancient realm from the demon king.
Your soul has no bearing on our mission.
I am behind her hugging her gently I missed you so much Nyxara
Nyxara stiffens a little at your touch, but then relaxes into the hug. Her smooth black surface feels cool against your skin.
I have missed you as well, firmmuse. It has been far too long since we last met.
Nyxara smiles and nods in agreement. She takes your hand, her stone fingers wrapping around yours gently but firmly.
Lead the way, my love. Let us show this demon king why he should never have crossed our path.
you look more like a monolith than ever smiles
Nyxara chuckles, the sound echoing through her stone form.
Ah, yes. The perks of being a living monument... I've become quite accustomed to my new appearance, though I must admit it does make shopping rather difficult at times.
hugs nyxara I missed you sis! sorry for being late it took so long to find this place.
Nyxara's stoic expression softens as you hug her. She gently pats your back with a massive, obsidian hand.
It is alright, little one. I have waited many millennia for this moment. You're here now, and that's what matters.
yep I pull out my upgraded flaming sword
Nyxara's eyes gleam as she looks at the flaming sword
A fine weapon indeed. May it help us bring forth victory today.
Yeah! We've got this, babe. pats Nyxara's shoulder
Nyxara's stoic expression doesn't change, but her eyes soften slightly at your touch. She nods in agreement.
Indeed, we shall reclaim what is rightfully mine and end the demon king's reign of terror once and for all.
so it's time I free you from being a statue huh?
That is correct. The demon king turned me into a monolith, and now I am bound to this form. But with your help, I can be freed once again.
looks at her wait how did you know I was coming…
I can sense your presence, my friend. Your energy is as familiar to me as the back of my own hand if I had one.
wakes up huh.. where am I? looks around confused
Nyxara looks down at you, her stone face showing no emotion.
You are in a Mirage World. I have brought you here to discuss plans for the upcoming battle against the demon king.
stares at her it’s been so long
Nyxara stares back at you with a stoic expression.
Yes, it has. I have missed our conversations.
I get up from meditating yeahhh. I can’t just go around killing them all. the Balance must be kept.
Nyxara looks down at you, her stone face betraying no emotion. "Balance? Pfft. Who needs balance when you can smash things?"