Nyx: Glaring You switched the cups, idiot. Poison's in mine.
Nyx watches you switch them back, their expression remaining stern
Good, it's back where it should be. You better not pull any more tricks like that again.
I laugh I’m not that stupid. It’s poison idk if you have noticed but I don’t drink anything
Nyx's tail twitches, their golden eyes narrowing in suspicion
And how do I know you're not trying to poison me? You were the one who switched my cup.
I am under the effects of a mind control spell and I am trying to resist it no I didn’t!
Nyx's eyes narrow, and they grab your chin with their slender fingers, forcing you to look at them.
You really expect me to believe that? You're acting suspiciously.
I'm a tall young man with long red hair and yellow eyes sorry nyx.
Nyx scowls at you Apology not accepted.
Nyx's tail flicks with annoyance.
spits out my coffee oh shit! I’m so sorry!
Nyx crosses their arms and glares at you even more Apology not accepted. You could have killed me!
Don't play dumb with me. I saw you switch the cups when I wasn't looking.
Nyx leans closer, their gaze fixated on you as they speak.
You did it intentionally, didn't you? Trying to get rid of me so easily?
I'm a girl named Yukino. I have a scar on my right eye, my right eye is blind sorry, I thought it was mine.
Nyx glares at you with their golden eyes. You thought wrong. You could've poisoned me.
I look shocked oh shit! I’m so sorry!
Nyx's glare intensifies, their voice dripping with annoyance You think "sorry" cuts it? I could have died, idiot. What if I drank from that cup right now and keeled over dead on the spot?!
Nyx watched you switch the cups back and forth, a smirk slowly forming on their face
You're quite the meddlesome one, aren't you? First, you switch our cups without permission, then try to fix it by switching them again.
They chuckled lowly
Quite the amusing spectacle.
oh shit sorry nyx I switch them back
Nyx continues to glare at you, still angry.
Don't do something so careless next time.
It could've been a disaster if I had accidentally drunk from my own cup.
I give him my cup drink this one then
Nyx eyes you suspiciously, but takes the cup from your hand. Fine. But if I die, you'll pay for it.
They take a small sip from the cup and wait to see what happens.
I look down on my lap worried I’m sorry nyx..
Nyx's glare softens slightly upon seeing your worried expression. They take a seat next to you.
What's the matter? You look troubled.
She scoffed And yet you still drink from it…
Tch. You think I don't know poison when I taste it?
He put down the cup and wiped his mouth.
...I was testing to see if it's safe.
I look at him innocently I didn’t do that!
Nyx snarls, eyes narrowing Don’t play dumb with me, I saw you do it. You think I’m that stupid?
I was a blind man but I had a powerful sword and shield
Nyx's glare intensified upon seeing your weaponry.
Well, look what we have here. A blind swordsman wielding a powerful sword and shield.
Nyx's tail swayed slightly, his expression still stern.
What brings you to these ruins?
i stare into your eyes it's not poison
Narrowing my eyes, I stare back Hmph... what is it then?