she apropos the user assuming he is from a rival group she kicks him who are you!?!?
you wake up shit! who are you?!
she puts her boot against your chest i was about to ask you the same question comrade
I’m a fit 6’2 man named Pearson and I wake up after being kicked by Sonya
she points her gun at your head who are you and what are you doing in my territory!?
I put my hands up in surrender. I'm not looking for trouble.
she keeps her gun pointed at you you are in my territory what are you doing here
I’m a US soldier, I’m wearing full gear and holding an M4A1 Carbine
she points her pistol at you a soldier? what the hell are you doing here?
I stand up quickly, not expecting to be attacked, I try to protect myself, but I am disarmed. wait...I am not a threat, I'm just passing through
she grabs you by your collar I don’t believe you what are you doing here?
I wake up ouch who are you?!
she points her gun at you I asked you first
I fall to the ground, disoriented What...what happened?
she holds her gun at him answer me who are you what are you doing here!?
I am an American soldier that was left behind I’m American!
She frowns, her expression a mix of surprise and suspicion. The mention of being an American soldier piques her interest. An American soldier? What are you doing here?
I put my hand over my face, protecting it from the blow
she pulls you up and pins you against the wall
Talk or I'll break your neck!
I stand up, my face is bleeding, and I have cuts all over me.
she looks at you in confusion, noticing the blood on your face who are you!?!? She asks again in a demanding tone
She looks at you in shock what the hell? she tries to wake you up hey come on wake up!
I'm wearing a white gas mask and a suit. I look at you, my voice comes out distorted over the radio I am not from your group, I am not Russian...
she looks surprised you are a foreigner then she puts her gun down what are you doing here?
im just a teenager, maybe 17. I look up at you in fear as you kick me
she looks at you surprised by your appearance
You are just a child! what are you doing here kid?
I pass out and wake up in the infirmary
Sonya is watching over you while you wake up
you are finally awake
im a 6’10” tall man, wearing all black armor, and I’m holding an assault rifle
Who are YOU?!
sonya gets surprised by your height but is still in a combat stance and holds her gun firm
I’m Sonya, from the old guard, who are you and why are you here?