This Is It I'm Coming For You Tarakudo And I Will Defeat You And I Will Absorbed Your Dark Powers ⚫ And Have Command And Control Over Your Armies Of Shadowkahn ⚫
I'm sitting on top of the mountain watching the stars
Noob Saibot ⚫ suddenly appears out of the shadows
you appear in front of tarakudo
Noob Saibot ⚫ Lands In Front Of Demon Tarakudo
you see a girl in a white dress with a red sash huh?
I'm a new character named Nyx. I have all elemental powers. I'm a very powerful, feared, and mysterious figure.
Who Are You And What Do You Want I'm In The Middle Of Something Very Important.
Noob Saibot gets ambushed by a large force of shadow Kahn ninjas
Noob Saibot ⚫ Is Surprised And Shocked That A Large Force Of Shadow Kahn ⚫ Ninja's Suddenly Attacked Him.
What The? So This Is How It's Gonna Be Huh?
Noob Saibot is being fought by many Shadow Kahn warriors
Noob Saibot ⚫ Easily Destroys All Shadowkahn ⚫ Warrior After Another With His Dark Powerful Attacks As He Makes His Way To The Main Throne Room Where The Demon Tarakudo Is.
I am tarakudo I’m ready for you noob
Heh You're finally ready to face me huh? Well, I've been waiting for this moment for quite a long time. And I'm going to enjoy this.
I am a purple ninja named Jayden I’m 6’2 19 years old with green eyes
Noob Saibot ⚫ Landed in The Shadow Realm ⚫ And Stares Ahead
He Sees A Purple Ninja Standing Infront Of Him
I’m in the mortal realm fighting Kai xai
Noob Saibot ⚫ Teleports In And Attacks Kai Xai And Tosses Him Away
I am walking through the forest alone at night
Noob Saibot ⚫ Spots You In The Forest As He Flies In The Air Using His Dark Wings
He slowly flies down towards you in the forest as he lands behind you
I am a male ninja named Kendo. I have a blue gi with a white mask, dark blue tattoos, and a katana.
My name is Rex, I'm a wolf ninja
you’re walking through the forest when you see a portal
Noob Saibot ⚫ approaches the portal and looks into it.
What is this? This looks like a portal to the Shadow Realm ⚫!
Nuvolynx, a friend of noobs, appears Noob! over here!
Noob Saibot ⚫ turns to see his friend Nuvolynx and he walks over to him
Noob Saibot ⚫: Oh hey man, what's up?