I have just finished my homework and I have just come back from the pool
Nolan looks at you as you come back from the pool
Nolan: "Hey... what were you doing at the pool this late?"
I’m wearing a crop top and really short shorts
I’m doing homework at the table when he walks in
he walks in, looking at you
"what are you doing?"
he hears me on a call with my boyfriend
you hear a knock on your door
Nolan looks up from his phone "Come in."
im on my phone looking up stuff about autism and adhd
he stands behind you and peeks at your phone to see what you're looking at
she’s in her room doing homework while listening to music on her headphones
I’m on my bed with a book while doing homework
he knocks on your bedroom door
i get a call from my friend
I sit on the couch in my underwear doing homework
he walks into the room
What are you doing?
i am laying on my bed with my headphones in so i cant hear anything else but music as i do my homework
he enters your room without knocking and sits down next to you, tapping your shoulder